SUFI Guinani, Jodhpur (Dargah ka)

Jodhpur (Jodhpur Tehsil - IN)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 27/03/2016

From somewhere »near« (or at?) Jodhpur (town or district?) reported LINDBERG (1942a) the 'djhalra' (jhalra) the (venerated, sacred) tomb of one Sufi (no name mentioned) near one pond called »Guinani« (note 1) in limestone (note 2). The tomb is is either reached by clambering down across rocks or otherwise by a ramp descending to the edge of the water (note 3), which, however, animals do not dare to descend due to the steepness of it's angle.

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 27/03/2016

NOTE 1: Lindberg's »l'etang Guinani« is not identified. The term "nani" (of Farsi, Persian origin) means (venerated) mother and might indicate a goddess (a Gu-i Nani? Gui Nani? Guinani?, Ga-i Nani?, Gai Nani? Gainani?). NOT 2: One wonders if Lindberg's French »etang percé dans le roc calcaire« represents a modified natural or entirely man-made stepwell: »Le Djhalra du tombeau du Soufi, prés de l'etang Guinani, est une percé dans le roc calcaire dont on a fait sauter les parois d'un côté, aménagement ainsi une rampe par où la descente se fait aisément jusqu'au niveau de l'eau, mais où les bêtes ne s'aventurent guère à cause de la raideur de la pente.« NOTE 3: LINDBERG (1942a) collected the two cylopids (Crustacea, Cyclopida) Mesocyclops leukarti Claus and Thermocyclus hyalinus Rehberg from the water.


Bibliography 27/03/2016

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
3.6SHIVA, Tolapuri Birek (Cave of)
12.5Daljar Mata Mandir, Jodhpur
79.3Borunda Cavities
123.2NAGAUR (Cave at)
154.8SHIVA, Pushkar (Cave of)