MAWSHUN 2 (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A length of estimated 10 m and a vertical range of minus 9 m has been claimed but no cave plan was ever produced of what was understood to represent a sports training device consisting of a 9 m pitch (Janossy, undated 2000.02.14 Mss Krem Mawshun 2). SITUATION: About 20 m off the path to the first Krem –>Mawshun and on the right-hand side where the path leaves trees and goes left down to a river bed (after Janossy, undated 2000.02.14 Mss: Krem Mawshun 2; Brooks 2000.04.15 Mss, 2000.05.29 personal correspondence). CAVE DESCRIPTION: A triangular opening in boulders leads into a blind, elliptical 9 m shaft (15 m of rope and two slings) with minimal prospects. There is a 0.5 m diameter hole (without air draught) in the mud covered boulders at the far end. Inaccessible, only visible through a tight squeeze with calcite deposits (speleothems), are some 2 m of passage (again without air draught) arriving from north-east across a sand and boulder covered floor. CAVE CLIMATE: Janossy (undated 200.02.14 Mss: Krem Mawshun 2) had the impression of feeling on 14th February 2000 at an unspecified hour of the day no draught inside the cave.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2000.02.14: Katharina 'Kate' Janossy (2000.02.14 Mss: Krem Mawshun 2) visited, entered and explored whilst Roger Galloway waited at the top (Brooks, undated circa 2000.03.31 Mss amendment to Janossy 2000.02.14 Mss: Krem Mawshun 2). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0MAWSHUN 3 (Krem)
0.2MAWSHUN (Krem)
0.3SNIANG (Krem)
0.4Mawshun 1b (Krem)
0.6NIAKRONG (Krem)
0.6UM SOHTUNG (Brown 2006) (Krem)
0.7PAULUS (Krem)