Tham Wit Mok - LB0115
(โคกสลุง - TH)
From the village 1 km on H3326 southward. Take the road eastward. After 700 m turn left to the Meditation Center till you reach the foot of the hill. Take the footpath along the hill. After 100 m it leads up to the cave. The cave is on the same hill as Tham Don Dueng, to the east of the H3326.
The cave is a series of high rooms up to 35 m and has some daylight orifices. The path is built of sandbags. Bat guano is still mined. A bat collection site. Hipposideros bicolor Temminck, 1834 (Chordata, Mammalia, Chiroptera, Hipposideridae) (Yenbutra and Felton 1986)
Bibliography 18/02/2020- +HILL, JOHN EDWARDS; YENBUTRA, SONGSAKDI (1984) "A new species of the Hipposideros bicolor group from Thailand" Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology Vol. 47 pp77-82 +WAENGSOTHORN, SURACHIT; NABHITABHATA, JARUJIN; MOONCHAN, TEANSIRI; MUANGKHAM, KULTIDA (2006) "The Current Distribution and Population Structures of Thailand Roundleaf Bat (Hipposideros halophyllus), a Thai Endemic Mammal" Journal of Wildlife in Thailand Vol. 13 No. 1 pp43-60 +YENBUTRA, SONGSAKDI; FELTON, H. (1986) "Bat Species and Their Distribution in Thailand According to the Collections in TISTR and SMF" in FELTON, H. (ED.) "Contributions to the Knowledge of the Bats of Thailand" Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt Vol. 87 pp9-45
2014-07-08 A. Thoma
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
0.7 | Morakhot (Tham) [LB0138] | 92 | 10 |
0.9 | Tham Khang Khao - LB0109 | ||
0.9 | LB0139 (Cave) | 10 | 0 |
8.1 | Mea Pho Lap (Tham) [LB0044] | 208 | 22 |
8.3 | Thong Sittharam (Tham) [LB0057] | 129 | 15 |
8.6 | Santisuk Natural Bridge (Tham) [LB0121] | ||
8.6 | Santisuk (Tham) [LB0108] | ||
8.7 | Tham Don Dueng - LB0119 | 75 | 8 |
8.7 | LB0140 (Cave) |