Tham Wit Mok - LB0115

(โคกสลุง - TH)
Grottocenter / carte


From the village 1 km on H3326 southward. Take the road eastward. After 700 m turn left to the Meditation Center till you reach the foot of the hill. Take the footpath along the hill. After 100 m it leads up to the cave. The cave is on the same hill as Tham Don Dueng, to the east of the H3326. Martin Ellis - 18/02/2020


Martin Ellis - 18/02/2020

The cave is a series of high rooms up to 35 m and has some daylight orifices. The path is built of sandbags. Bat guano is still mined. A bat collection site. Hipposideros bicolor Temminck, 1834 (Chordata, Mammalia, Chiroptera, Hipposideridae) (Yenbutra and Felton 1986)


Bibliography 18/02/2020


2014-07-08 A. Thoma Martin Ellis - 18/02/2020

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.7Morakhot (Tham) [LB0138]9210
0.9Tham Khang Khao - LB0109
0.9LB0139 (Cave)100
8.1Mea Pho Lap (Tham) [LB0044]20822
8.3Thong Sittharam (Tham) [LB0057]12915
8.6Santisuk Natural Bridge (Tham) [LB0121]
8.6Santisuk (Tham) [LB0108]
8.7Tham Don Dueng - LB0119758
8.7LB0140 (Cave)