Cyamazera (Ubuvumo)

Kanzenze (Rubavu - RW)
Longueur 1484m
Grottocenter / carte


Michael Laumanns - 29/11/2015

(West province, Virunga mountains, Rubavu district) Co-ordinates: S 01"38°37.0’’; E 029°22'25.8°. Alt. ca. 2,295 m. Explored by the 2004 international expedition to NW Rwanda. Very much branched lava tube cave system with a single entrance in a small roof collapse doline. The cave also has at least three distinctive levels and a number of sub-levels. The cave has some larger chambers and spacious lava tube galleries but often do not provide passages of walking size. Not all the narrow passages were pushed to a final conclusion and at least two crawls with strong air current were left for future exploration. Ubuvumo Cyamazera has very nice lava flow forms in many places. Survey and description according to Laumanns et al. (2005, 2007).


Une expédition de trois semaines a été réalisée en février 2007 par le Néerlandais Jan Paul van der Pas et Michael Laummans, dans la région de la chaîne volcanique Virunga au nord-ouest du Rwanda (Afrique centrale), afin de lever les derniers points d’interrogation restants. (cf. Spelunca n°106, 2007, page 4, échos des profondeurs étranger, Rwanda : BTH - 24/11/2022

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.7Bwibihonga (Ubuvumo)4530
0.8Kabari (Ubuvumo)496
15.7Nyaruhonga 3 (Ubuvumo)32
20.4Manjari 2 (Ubuvumo) [Grotte Mandjari Deux]1660
25.5Nyiragihima (Ubuvumo)1116
29.4Rwego (Ubuvumo) [Grotte des Commandos]952
30.8Musanze - main segment (Ubuvumo bwa)1600
30.9Gacinyiro 2 (Ubuvumo)1470
31.0Gacinyiro 1 (Ubuvumo)35025