Tham Phayakorn - KR0203

กระบี่น้อย (TH)
Longueur 335m Profondeur 35m
Grottocenter / carte


At the back of the beach at Ao Nam Mao. Martin Ellis - 03/11/2019


Martin Ellis - 03/11/2019

The entrance area has three superimposed levels of passages. The main upper passage is a fossil passage that ascends to 35m above the entrance. This passage has guano deposits. The lowest level is about 50m long and leads to a pool of brackish water. The cave appears to be a maze cave that was truncated by the sea as it has seven entrances in the cliff


Martin Ellis - 03/11/2019

GEBAUER, HERBERT DANIEL (1994) - unknown grade


[Topo] Tham Phayakorn 08/05/2019
Bibliography 03/11/2019


The cave is owned by the Phayakorn family who have been mining guano for the past 50 years. Martin Ellis - 03/11/2019

Cavités proche

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