BUNDER CAVE (Price 1988b)
Nothing has become known of the advertised but inaccessible tourist attraction »Bunder Cave« (PRICE 1988b: 32), which is possibly identical with »la grotte de Bundher« (DUCLUZAUX 1993d: 53) but distinct from –>Budher Cave (Gole Sir 2001) and –>Budher Cave (Kotlia 2005) and –>Buder Gupha (pandeyji.com). ETYMOLOGY: »Bunder« (also: bandar) is not only the word for a treasure or a treasury but also for beauty, etc. SITUATION 1988: »Bunder Cave« (PRICE 1988b: 32) lies at travelling distances of »100 km North of Dehra Dun [N30°19': E78°02'], 15 km north of Chakrata« (30°42'N: 77°51'E) and »4 km south of Lakhuindi« (note 1). SITUATION 1993: DUCLUZAUX (1993d: 53) had learned from an unspecified »guide touristique« -- which may be an enterprising tourism provider or a printed tourist leaflet -- about a certain »Grotte de Bundher« (note 2), which was understood to lie somewhere between Chakrata (30°42'N: 77°51'E) and Deoban (note 3). SITUATION 2007: »From Koti Kanasar [note 4], one can go on a 2 1/2hr trek to "Buder Gupha" or a 3 hr trek to Deo Van [note 5]« a.k.a. Deoban (note 6).
NOTE 1: »Lakhuindi« (PRICE 1988b: 32) probably is a village below the hill »Lokhandi Tibba 9155« (2790 m) indicated near 30°45'27”N: 77°48'11”E (WGS84 modified from 30°45'27”N: 77°48'16”E Everest 1830) on Survey of India sheet 53-F/13 S2 (Four Inch to One Mile Forest Map series, circa 1940 edition) on the way from Chakrata (30°42'N: 77°51'E) north-west to Budher, about 4 km along the road south-east) of the Budher Forest Rest House (30°45'45”N: 77°47'20”E Everest 1830), and about 4 km due east of Budher (N30°45'20”: E77°47'25”). NOTE 2: »Entre Chakrata et Deoban, un guide touristique indique la grotte de Bundher« (DUCLUZAUX 1993d: 53). NOTE 3: Deoban, populated place, N30°45': E077°51' (nima.mil/geonames accessed 16.11.2003): 2844 m asl (AMS sheet NH43-08 Ambala, U502 series, 1959 edition) is indicated in the India Road Atlas (Eicher Goodearth 2006) map 6 B5 about 5 km or 10 km due north of Chakrata. NOTE 4: pandeyji.com/chakrata/kanasar.cfm (accessed 2012.01.27): »Koti Kanasar is a beautiful village in dense thick green forests situated 25 kms or 1 1/2 hrs drive from Chakrata. Though the village itself consists of a few houses, the FRH is about 3 kms before the village on hilltop, with magnificient view.« NOTE 5: pandeyji.com/chakrata/kanasar.cfm (accessed 2012.01.27). NOTE 6: Deo Van (pandeyji.com) probably is the Deoban F.R.H. near 30°44'50”N: 77°52'02”E (Everest 1830, Jangpangi et al. 1979: 1): 2844 m or 9331 feet (AMS sheet NH43-08 Ambala, U502 series, 1959 edition).
EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1987 / 1988: Liz Price was refused permission to visit this show cave: »In spite of being well advertised in tourist literature and maps, foreigners aren't allowed in this area without a permit. The permit has to be obtained from Delhi 300 km away, so knowing what India bureaucracy is like, I didn't think to bother« (PRICE 1988: 32).
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
2.6 | Well Shaft, Leora | ||
2.6 | DOG SKULL POT | ||
3.5 | DURBITA POT 2 (Lower) | ||
3.5 | DURBITA POT 1 (Upper) | ||
3.5 | BUDHER MUD POT | ||
3.5 | CHOWKIDAR POT 1 (Upper) | ||
3.5 | BUDHER SLIT POT | ||
3.6 | CHOWKIDAR POT 2 (Lower) |