An elusive cave of which the existence, however, is possibly evidenced to a certain degree by so-called pictures (note 1), which eventually turned out to be photographs that were shown around by U Hiamdor Rapsang (Mawsynram village Secretary) on 21st February 2010 (anonymous, probably Thomas Arbenz in: Kharpran Daly, Brian D 2010.02.06 Mss: Krem Rangblang), to Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Phrang Kupar “Teddy” Mawlong, and Cdr. Vijay Chhikara (Commander, Indian Navy). ETYMOLOGY: The Khasi cave name -Krem Rangblang- is short for -ka krem u 'rangblang- and translates as Billiy Goat Cave or He-Goat Cave as the Khasi noun ”u 'rang” is a contraction of ”u shynrang” and means a male (SINGH, N 1906: 169) and -blang- is the Khasi word for a goat (note 2). SITUATION: At an unidentified location which has been said to be reached from the village of Phlangwanbroi (note 3) by travelling for a distance covering a probably two hours' walk (Kharpran Daly 2010.02.06 Mss: Krem Mawjudok) in an unidentiied direction (note 4).CAVE DESCRIPTION 2010.02.01: From photos shown by Hiamdor Rapsang (Secretary, Mawsynram village) the cave appears to be fairly large, dry and sandy floored (Anonymous, probably after Kharpran Daly 2010.02.06 Mss -Krem Rangblang 6-02-2010).An elusive cave of which the existence, however, is possibly evidenced to a certain degree by so-called pictures (note 1), which eventually turned out to be photographs that were shown around by U Hiamdor Rapsang (Mawsynram village Secretary) on 21st February 2010 (anonymous, probably Thomas Arbenz in: Kharpran Daly, Brian D 2010.02.06 Mss: Krem Rangblang), to Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Phrang Kupar “Teddy” Mawlong, and Cdr. Vijay Chhikara (Commander, Indian Navy). ETYMOLOGY: The Khasi cave name -Krem Rangblang- is short for -ka krem u 'rangblang- and translates as Billiy Goat Cave or He-Goat Cave as the Khasi noun ”u 'rang” is a contraction of ”u shynrang” and means a male (SINGH, N 1906: 169) and -blang- is the Khasi word for a goat (note 2). SITUATION: At an unidentified location which has been said to be reached from the village of Phlangwanbroi (note 3) by travelling for a distance covering a probably two hours' walk (Kharpran Daly 2010.02.06 Mss: Krem Mawjudok) in an unidentiied direction (note 4).CAVE DESCRIPTION 2010.02.01: From photos shown by Hiamdor Rapsang (Secretary, Mawsynram village) the cave appears to be fairly large, dry and sandy floored (Anonymous, probably after Kharpran Daly 2010.02.06 Mss -Krem Rangblang 6-02-2010).
Bibliography 06/01/2018Histoire
EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2010.02.01: Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Phrang Kupar “Teddy” Mawlong, and Cdr. Vijay Chhikara (Commander, Indian Navy) visited Hiamdor Rapsang, then the Mawsynram village Secretary, who showed some pictures [photographs] of Krem Rangblang (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc: 1st February). 2010.02.04: Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Phrang Kupar “Teddy” Mawlong, Peter Ludwig, Roshan Singh Yengkhom (Medical Assistant), Pankaj Rai (Seaman 1st Class) and Vinklo Sumi … went to Phlangwanbroi. The guide who was to lead them to Krem Rangblang did not turn up until 1 o'clock p.m. Peter, Roshan, Pankaj and Sumi therefore went back into Krem Lymbit … (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.03.12: Simon J. Brooks (2010.03.12 Overview 2010.doc) discovered that information about other new caves was gathered [during the first days of February 2010] and this [Malaisohmat] area is likely to be the focus for further exploration in future year.
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
0.0 | MISOR (Krem) | ||
0.0 | PHLANGWANBROI (SYIEMLIEH 2001) (Cave at) | ||
0.3 | LYMBIT, Phlangwanbroi (Krem) | ||
0.6 | PhlanGloit (Krem) | ||
0.6 | Phlangloit 2 (Krem) | ||
0.6 | PHLANGLOIT 4 (Krem) | ||
0.6 | PHLANGLOIT 3 (Krem) | ||
2.7 | KLAR (Krem) | ||
4.0 | LAWADONG, 1st (Krem) |