(Saipung - IN)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

An unspecified cave called Krem Syntem (Kharpran Daly 2001.02.17 personal communication with Hospital Sutnga and Tippor Pala) is said to lie somewhere in the vicinity of Sakhain village (church: N25°18'55.9”: E092°26'13.9”, ±100 m). ETYMOLOGY: I cannot identify the expression -syntem- but the Khasi -syndam- means flat, low, depressed, well beaten while -syndem- is flat-nosed and -syndim- is crouchingly, stealthily. The verb -syndong- means to roll up the clothes as when wading a stream (SINGH, N 1906: 216).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2001.02.17: Hospital Sutnga (Sakhain village headman) and Tippor Pala reported the cave name Krem Syntem to Brian D. Kharpran Daly in company with Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt, H. Daniel Gebauer, Christine Jantschke, Herbert Jantschke and Paul A. Edmunds. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1URSYLE (Krem)
3.9BLOIN (Krem)
4.0LABON, Sakhain (Krem)
4.4THANGSADOP (Cave at)
5.0Synriaw (Krem)
5.1LABIT, Sutnga - Monpat (Krem)
5.2SATA, Sutnga (Krem)
5.5CHOMCHOM (Krem)