Mummiya, Koh Akhur 1 (Ghar)

فراه (فراه - AF)
Grottocenter / carte


Below the cave –>Koh Akhur near Kahdanak (note 2), 6.5 km in a direct line south-south-west of Farah town (note 3). BTH - 22/07/2024


Various descriptions

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

The first Ghar Mummiya on a flank of the hill Kouh Akhour (Koh Akhur?) is a rift cave (note 1). CAVE DESCRIPTION: The cave consists of fissures and water-worn passages. By a low entrance along a broad fissure one enters into a descending 19 m-crawl between a vaulted ceiling and massive rock floor. At the bottom, and on the right-hand side, is a passage which ends collapsed after a few metres but on the left is a bifurcation: a tube to the right ends after some four or five metres but a narrow passage on the left (keyword: outlook) descends an unexplored passage. The cave is dry and contains little bat guano and lots of porcupine excrements. Concretions [formations, secondary calcite deposits] are absent. CAVE CLIMATE: An air temperature of 32°C was measured on 25th April 1958 in the entrance and 27°C in the interior. CAVE LIFE: Bat guano hints to Chiroptera, prcupine's excrements to Hystrix. LINDBERG (1958: 125) recorded and collected Coleoptera (Ptinida, larval Dermestida?), Neuroptera (larval stage of Crocinae), Arachnida (Araneida).rcupine's excrements to Hystrix. LINDBERG (1958: 125) recorded and collected Coleoptera (Ptinida, larval Dermestida?), Neuroptera (larval stage of Crocinae), Arachnida (Araneida).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1958.04.25: Knut LINDBERG (1958: 125, 1961a: 17-18) visited, took altimeter readings, explored, possibly surveyed (?), measured temperatures and collected cave life. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0MUMMIYA, Koh Akhur, 2nd (Ghar)
0.6Koh Akhur (Cave on the)
5.2Zargaran, Farah: Kuh-e Bashto (Ghar)
23.7MUMMIYA, Koh Pir, 1st (Ghar)
23.7MUMMIYA, Koh Pir, 2nd (Ghar)
25.3Hammam (Ghar)
25.3KELIDAN (Ghar)
59.1KOH SI AV BABA (Cave on the)
59.1Tchach Guez Excavations