Cave PL36 [ CM0235]

แม่นะ (TH)
Longueur 250m Profondeur 15m
Grottocenter / carte


The cave is located on the left hand side of the road from Ban Chiang Dao to Ban Huai I Ko, in the area where the rocks come closest to the road after passing through the village of Ban Pang Daeng. Martin Ellis - 03/07/2019



Martin Ellis - 03/07/2019

PARMA, CHRISTIAN (1988) "Expedition Polonaise Chiang Dao '87" Spelunca No. 30 p9 (French) SMCC March 2012 - Grade UISv2 3-3-F

General description

Martin Ellis - 03/07/2019

The main entrance faces south, and is 2 meters high by 2.5 meters wide and descends into a spacious chamber, from which you can find a narrow passage to reach the large chamber. To the west of the chamber a low passage leads to a small entrance. From the entrance chamber the way on is down to the right which soon comes to a crossroads. To the left the passage soon ends at an undescended P8. Straight ahead there is a way on through a small gap in the jammed boulders to another passage which soon reaches a small chamber with an aven in the ceiling from which there is a passage to the next chamber which has not been full explored. Back at the crossroads the passage tp the right leads to a large chamber (20m x 10m x 6m), the floor of which is covered with boulders and fine debris. At the end of the chamber a short ascending passage reaches the second entrance. Back at the point where the passage from the crossroads enters the large chamber, in the ceiling, is the start of a nicely arched passage that loops back to aven near the crossroads.


Bibliography 03/07/2019
  • +Ellis, Martin (2015a) "Some caves in Thailand Part 4" Shepton Mallet Caving Club Journal Series 13 No. 3 pp91-118 +PARMA, CHRISTIAN (1987a) "Chiang Dao" Taternik Vol. 63 No. 1 pp34-35 (Polish) +PARMA, CHRISTIAN; ROJEK, TADEUSZ (1987) Unpublished notes on 1987 Polish expedition (Polish) +PARMA, CHRISTIAN (1988) "Expedition Polonaise Chiang Dao '87" Spelunca No. 30 p9 (French)
[Topo] Cave PL36 04/05/2019


The cave was explored and surveyed by the Alpinistyczny Klub Eksploracyjny w Sopocie. 1987-01-30 K. Dudzinski, W. Piechocki, Z. Sczcepkowski, T. Swider 1987-01-31 K. Dudzinski, W. Piechocki, Z. Sczcepkowski, T. Swider 2012-03-05 M. Ellis, P. Collett, S. Hall - the cave was rediscovered and partly resurveyed 2019-03-15 M. Ellis Martin Ellis - 03/07/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
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5.3Cave PHD14 [Grotte a Gaz] [CM0043]2002
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9.9Suwan Khuha (Tham) [CM0103]500