A joint controlled pothole cave (note 1) somewhere in the vicinity of the so-called -Lost World Doline- on the eastern flank of the Shnongrim Ridge and somewhere in the vicinity of Khaidong village. Both Brooks (note 2) and Jarratt (note 3), confirmed by Arbenz, T (2004.02 Mss: Abstracts.xls), consider this cave connected with the cave system of Krem –>Liat Prah system and the cave -survey- actually proofed this impression (Davies 2004.03.02 Mss: Um Im 7) though it was not necessarily understood by all of the cavers involved (note 4). SITUATION: In an unexplainable location somewhere on the Shnongrim ridge but without identified spatial relation to all the other cave entrances in the vicinity. APPROACH 1: Compare Krem –>Um Im 1. In case of attempting to reach the cave, Davies (2004.03.02 Mss: Um Im 7) actually advises to follow Shnongrim Ridge past village turn off @ second right hand bend after surgery on main ridge road descend through paddy fields to right of road for 300 m. Grike n front. APPROACH 2: ARBENZ (2008 Fieldbook: 108) was told that only Um Im 7 Cave and no other cave is reached from an unknown spot (without GPS position), which lies anywhere on the main ridge road beyond the the village of Bangla. It is exactly somewhere around here, that one is allowed to descend through paddy fields to the right of road for 300 m. In the final analysis, believe it or not, there is Grike in front. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1: Davies (2004.03.02 Mss: Um Im 7) understood some aspects of a sports training device where the negotiation of a 24 m open grike leads to a parallel rift via 3 cross passages of start length (about 7 m). Descend of the roofed 8 m wide, 30m long and 40 m deep rift leads to a boulder floor. Further descent @ the NE end leads into (~14m pitch) Liat Prah!? survey stations noted + Location to be confirmed. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2: Siegenthaler (2008 Mss) noticed an entrance shaft resembling a voluminous chamber gorge (note 5). CAVE DESCRIPTION 3: ARBENZ (2008 Fiedbook: 108): 24 m open grike leads to a parallel rift via three cross passages of start length (about 7 m). Descend of the roofed 8 m wide, 30 m long and 40 m deep rift leads to a boulder floor. Further descent at the NE end [this so-called -end- is possibly the north-east corner an not an -end- as it] leads into a 70 m rift pitch … connected to Krem Um Im 1 (survey station 1/46). TACKLE: 35+ m, 75 m, 28 m (Ludwig 2008.02.22 Mss: Um Im 7) replaces the 30 m rope from surface 60 m + 20 m in parallel roofed grike of Davies (2004.03.02 Mss: Um Im 7). ARBENZ (2008 Fieldbook: 108), however, suggests that 30 m rope from surface 60 m, plus 20 m in parallel roofed grike replaces the 35+ m, 75 m, 28 m (Ludwig 2008.02.22 Mss: Um Im 7), which itself replaced the 30 m rope from surface 60 m + 20 m in parallel roofed grike of Davies (2004.03.02 Mss: Um Im 7). SPELEOMETRY: JARRATT (2005): The re-survey of Krem Um Im 7 added 226 m to Liat Prah. Arbenz, T (2008.01.20 Mss) counted Krem Um Im 7 among th Caves suspected to connect to Um Im 1 or Um Im 5 or Um Im 6 which are not surveyed or data missing. In February 2007 Peter Ludwig and Rolf Siegenthaler (2008 Mss: Expeditionstagebuch) surveyed 144.39 m at a vertical range of 110.62 m an connected Um Im Cave 7 station 1/16 to Krem Um Im 01 station 1/46 and thus established the first sensible connection to Krem Um Im 01. ARBENZ (2008 Fieldbook: 108): Length: 144.39 m, vertical range: 110.62 m repeats Siegenthaler (2008 Mss: Expeditionstagebuch). CAVE LIFE: Rolf Siegenthaler (2008 Mss: Expeditionstagebuch) was told to catch and either execute, kill or murder a life fish in the name of ichtyological sciences: 18.2.08 Montag … sollten wir auch noch einen Fisch morden – im Namen der Wissenschaft ! Es stellte sich heraus, das die Tierchen extrem flink sind und wir plumpen Humanoiden wussten nichts gescheiteres als die todsichere Methode, einen kleinen Tümpel einfach leerzuschöpfen, bis sich die Bewohner ergeben müssen. Nachdem wir dem armen schlüpfrigen Fischlein den Schierlingsbecher überreicht hatten, gings langsam wieder aufwärts. Ich war irgendwie nicht so fit … schlüpfrigen Fischlein den Schierlingsbecher überreicht hatten, gings langsam wieder aufwärts. Ich war irgendwie nicht so fit …
Bibliography 06/01/2018Histoire
EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2004.03.02 to 03, trips 1 & 2: Peter Ludwig, Jonathan Davies, Shelley Alexandra Diengdoh and Brian MacCoitir rigged and bottomed pitches to watch an accumulated tape length 226.14 m. 2005.02.22, trip 3: A certain Brian [MacCoitir?] and Gregory [D. Diengdoh?] … after two hours found the entrance. They ran out of rope for the final pitch (Brooks 2005: Meghalaya Diary.doc). 2005.02.24, trip 4: According to Brooks (2005 Mss: Meghalaya Diary.doc), Brian, Peter, Shelley and Gregory finished the descent of Umim 7 and identified where the survey linked into Umim 1 —the end of the side passage off umim 1. This, however, was not the case. To date (March 2007) the connection remains unclear as no survey station had been identified (Arbenz, 2007.11.01 personal correspondence). 2008.02.17, trip 5: Peter, Peter G. and Simon descended Um lm 7, surveying on the way but were halted at the final pitch by lack of rope. 119.85 m of pasaage surveyed (Brown et al. 2008 Mss: Meghalaya 208 diary.doc Sunday 17th February). 2008.02.18, trip 6: Rolf Siegenthaler and Peter Ludwig, sent by Thomas Arbenz, surveyed what the original surveyers had attempted to do but arrived at a logical survey that made sense. According to Brown et al. (2008 Mss: Meghalaya 2008 diary.doc Monday 18th February), Peter L. and Rolf went to Umim 7 and rigged and surveyed the final pitch. Then they tied in the survey to Um lm 1, caught a fish, derigged and hitched a Shakti lift back. Rolf Siegenthaler (2008 Mss) himself explains 18.2.08 Montag … Peter hegte Zweifel an der Sinnhaftigkeit unseres heutigen Arbeitsauftrages in der Um Im 7. Thomas hatte uns aufgetragen, die Verbindung zu prüfen und nachzuvermessen, da er keine Sicherheit bezüglich des Verbindungspunktes in der Um Im 1 hatte. … Unten im Hauptgang der Um Im 1 war die Situation relativ rasch klar. Wir fanden alle alten Punkte und vermassen zur Sicherheit mehrere Strecken nach. Dann … gings langsam wieder aufwärts. Ich war irgendwie nichtso fit – überfressen am köstlichen Lagerfood ?!? Ich fastete an diesem Abend und meinem Magen ging’s dann bald besser. Zurück von der Höhle kamen wir übrigens per Shaktiman-ride – auch ein Erlebnis, oben auf dem Lastwagen zu reiten! Die Vermessungsdaten zeigten den gewünschten Effekt und der Höhlenplan wurde plötzlich logisch.
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
0.0 | Um Im Cave 04 | ||
0.2 | UM IM CAVE 15 | ||
0.2 | UM IM 01, Khaidong (Krem) | ||
0.3 | DRAGON HOLE (aa -) | ||
0.3 | UM IM CAVE 08 | ||
0.3 | UM IM CAVE 09 | ||
0.4 | SNOWMAN's POT | ||
0.4 | NOMAN's POT (aa -) | ||