Tham Phayanak - CR0007

อำเภอแม่สาย (TH)
Length 22m Depth 6m
Grottocenter / carte


Tham Phaya Naak is 250 m south of Tham Luang Forest Park headquarters, about 15 minutes up the hill on a good path starting behind the visitor centre. At the junction after 200 m, keep straight ahead and the cave is less than 100 m up the hill. The left branch of the path leads to Tham Liang Pha. Martin Ellis - 10/08/2019


Martin Ellis - 10/08/2019

This is a series of shallow caves at the base of a 15m cliff, sheltered by clumps of bamboo.The inner sections of the largest cave are full of rock fall and broken columns which completely block off the back of the cave, making further exploration impossible.


Martin Ellis - 10/08/2019

SMCC 12 March 2014 - UISv2 6-3-F


Bibliography 10/08/2019


1987 APS expedition were the first cavers to visit the cave. 1988-01-22 (L. Maffre, F. Pallier, C. Thouin, B. Tonnelier) 2014-03-12 (M. Ellis) 2016-11-04 (V. Unsworth, P. Collett) GPSed entrance Martin Ellis - 10/08/2019

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.1Tham Liang Pha - CR00088022
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0.2Tham Phra - CR0006497
0.2Chang Thao (Tham) [CR0084]164
0.3Tham Luang - CR00031031685
0.9Tham Sai Thong - CR0001137374
1.0Sai Thong (Old Resurgence) [CR0091]
1.0Sai Thong Resurgence - CR0002
1.6Cave CR0097