SIEJ, Samasi (Krem)
A well-known cave entrance without identified shape or size faces an unspecified direction, gives access to Krem –>Tyngheng (Arbenz, T 2007.11.24 Mss -Ergänzungen- item 2), and is said to function as a perennial sink (Boycott 2004.02.28 Mss: Krem Siej / Bamboo Cave). SITUATION 1: Apparently not only at an inexplicabale location somewhere in the vicinity of the village of Samasi (note 1) but also in an unknowable spatial relation to the entrance of Krem –>Tyngheng. APPROACH 1: Boycott (2004.02.28 Mss: Krem Hawliehkor) provides an excellent cave access description, complete with fragments of coordinates reflecting parts of GPS positions that were read at a selection of waypoints. To retrace these directions, however, will be difficult because the coordinates provided result in a madly zigzagging tour: Upon leaving From Samasi IB (N25°24'01.6”: E092°32°57.4” unspecified precision error, WGS84, A. Boycott 2004.02, GPS Garmin 12XL) turn left [without direction] on road past playing field with church [without position] on left [without direction]. At point N25° [without N-minutes, perhaps: 24' ?] 11.0”: E092°33'00.8” turn right [without direction] along track past house [without GPS position]. Turn left [without direction] immediately down valley to Shaktiman track past house [without position]. Turn right [without direction] and follow ridge track [without direction] to point N25°24'13.8”: E092°33'16.0” in clearing. Head down valley past paddy fields on right [without GPS position], turn right [without direction] at major path, past (N25°24'17.8”: E092°33'19.6”). At fork [without position] turn left [without direction] downslope. Turn left [without direction] at cowshed [without position] across paddy fields towards nearby hillock bearing 350° for 350 m. … Walk clockwise around hillock to reach [the cave entrances of] Krem Sapiang, Krem Siej and Krem Tyngheng without knowing how to distinguish the three. APPROACH 2: Boycott (2004.02.28 Mss: Krem Siej / Baboo Cave): Continue [for an unspecified distance] clockwise [without direction] from Krem Sapiang at same level. The cave entrance [of Krem Siej] is over block by bamboo clump. SPORTS TRAINING DEVICE DESCRIPTION: Boycott (2004.02.28 Mss: Krem Siej / Bamboo Cave): Drop down 2 m … [note 2], right low passage leads for 15 m @ 180° to a low duck. Left leads to 2 m [note 3] through loose Cave): Continue [for an unspecified distance] clockwise [without direction] from Krem Sapiang at same level. The cave entrance [of Krem Siej] is over block by bamboo clump. SPORTS TRAINING DEVICE DESCRIPTION: Boycott (2004.02.28 Mss: Krem Siej / Bamboo Cave): Drop down 2 m … [note 2], right low passage leads for 15 m @ 180° to a low duck. Left leads to 2 m [note 3] through loose block.
EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2004.02.27: Bikin Paslein, the Samasi Village Headman, guided Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Boycott, Antony 'Tony', Imogen Furlong, Nicola 'Nicky' Bayley and Andrew 'Andy' Heath to the entrance of a cave called Krem Siej. 2004.03.02: Brian MacCoitir and Shelley A. Diengdoh, most likely following one or more unidentified guides (no names mentioned), 'surveyed' 63.97 m (Brooks 2004.09.23 personal correspondence) to a degree yielding a 'survey' (computed length) but no survey (cave plan). 2006.02 (circa): Some time in February 2006 Boycott, Antony 'Tony' surveyed Krem Siej (Samasi) and established a preliminary connection to Krem Tyngheng (Arbenz, T 2007.11.24 Mss 'Ergänzungen' item 2). 2006.10 (circa): Some time in October 2006 Thomas Arbenz accepted Boycott's revised survey (Arbenz, T 2007.11.24 Mss 'Ergänzungen' item 2).
Caves nearby
Distance (km) | Name | Length (m) | Depth (m) |
0.1 | SA PYIANG (Krem) | ||
0.1 | SA PYIANG 2 (Krem) | ||
0.1 | HAWLIEHKOR (Krem) | ||
0.1 | Tyngheng, Samasi (Krem) | ||
0.8 | PRIANG RONG (Krem) | ||
0.9 | SYNTOIN (Thlu) | ||
1.1 | RUHHIAR (Krem) | ||
1.1 | MADAN SAWPHEW (Krem) | ||
1.1 | PSIAR MYNROP (Krem) |