Tham Duean - Tham Dao [PS0029]

บ้านมุง (TH)
Length 1382m Depth 23m
Grottocenter / carte


This resurgence cave is at a small ranger station to the east of Ban Mung and is well sign posted. A short walk from the ranger station a small stream emerges from a resurgence located at the base of the cliff. Walking up the slope brings you to the edge of a huge collapse entrance at the base of a cliff. Martin Ellis - 19/05/2019


Martin Ellis - 19/05/2019

At the bottom of the entrance is a sizeable passage 10 to 15 m wide and 5 m high and becoming larger in some places, which meanders in a northerly direction for about 1 km. Only one low duck slows progress in the cave.


Martin Ellis - 19/05/2019

The resurgence was not flowing in March 2008. This is probably the resurgence cave for Tham Nam Long Lu. In the entrance section a basalt dyke is intersected by the cave passage, a remnant of an earlier injection of magmatic material into the limestone prior to cave development.


Martin Ellis - 19/05/2019

KAUFMANN, GEORG; BOLGER, TERRY (1997) - Grade UISv2 3-3-F Drawn by Martin Ellis December 2009.


Martin Ellis - 19/05/2019

Elaphoidella intermedia Chappuis, 1931 (Arthropoda, Crustacea, Maxilliopoda, Harpacticoida, Canthocamptidae) (Watiroyram et al. 2015) Ophiophagus hannah Cantor, 1836 (Chordata, Reptilia, Squamata, Elapidae) (Brooks 2002)


[Topo] Tham Duean-Tham Dao 14/05/2019
Bibliography 19/05/2019


1997-04-24 D. Smart, G. Kaufmann, N. Naksahit, G. Innes, W. Pupichit - surveyed cave 2018-02-14 W. Vityasakunwong, K. Batten, J. Biffin, P. Callister, S. Howe 2018-02-17 M. Ellis, P. Collett, Y. Sopha, A. Utthamangkaphong, P. Utthamangkaphong - entrance chamber 2018-02-18 C. Dummer, P. Dummer, A. Goddard Martin Ellis - 19/05/2019

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