Tham Lyka Chong Khai - KA0344

สหกรณ์นิคม (TH)
Length 110m Depth 34m
Grottocenter / carte


Found in the base of a cliff on the west side of the same tower as Tham Plaa Ee Pho. Martin Ellis - 14/09/2019



Martin Ellis - 14/09/2019

Bats; crickets; amblypigides; porcupine

Martin Ellis - 14/09/2019

A small entrance 3m x 2m high quickly closes down to a flatout crawl over a flowstone false floor which turns right and then left before emerging at the cave proper. The first chamber is large although a huge boulder in the middle fills a large proportion of it. The sediments in this chamber appear to contain archaeological deposits. From this chamber the cave ascends quickly up flowstone cascades and breakdown boulders to end at a 6m climb into a possible high level continuation. At the foot of the final flowstone cascade there are three connecting holes down between boulders in the floor. These are about 15m and have not been descended.


Martin Ellis - 14/09/2019

SMART, DEAN (1995) - Grade UISv2 3-3-A


Bibliography 14/09/2019
  • DUNKLEY, JOHN ROBERT (1997) "The Caves of Thailand - Addendum 1995-97" Speleological Research Council, Sydney SMART, DEAN (1995) "Caves of National Parks, Thong Pha Phum and Lam Khlong Ngu" Royal Forest Department, Bangkok Unpublished report 22pp

Caves nearby

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2.0Tham Pha On Haeng - KA0339181
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3.2Tham Pha On - KA03376930
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3.8Tham Longsun Pha - KA033622362