Tham Champi - NA0044

งอบ (TH)
Length 393m Depth 32m
Grottocenter / carte


This cave is advertised with blue tourist information signs along the H1291. From Ban Mani Phruk take the track that heads towards the north-east. This goes around the south of Phu Hua Lan and then along the limestone boundary on the western side of the hill before following a sandstone ridge. This track has good views of the limestone ridge with Tham Champi, Tham Ho Chai and Tham Ho Ying. At 47Q 714668 2152747 a path leads off the track down to a shack and from here a path leads down hill to a field, which was fallow in 2012, where the path ends. By crossing the fields one reaches the dry stream bed, but there is no sign of a path on the other side of the water course. Tham Champi is about 500 m to the north. Alternatively the cave can be reached by a longer path that leaves the track at 47Q 716415 2151827 that goes past Tham Phu Hua Lan, Tham Ho Ying and Tham Ho Chai. Martin Ellis - 12/09/2020


Martin Ellis - 12/09/2020

The entrance opens into the side of a big fossil passage that follows the strike and is orientated north-south. To the north (left) the cave soon closes down. To the south (right) the cave is basically a single, large decorated chamber. From the south end of the chamber a passage leads to a chamber with bats


Martin Ellis - 12/09/2020

SMCC February 2014 Grade UISv2 6-3-BF Ellis, Martin (2014d) Ellis, Martin (2015b)


Martin Ellis - 12/09/2020

Thereuopoda longicornis (Fabricius, 1793) (Arthropoda, Chilopoda, Scutigeromorpha, Scutigeridae) (unpublished record)


[Topo] Tham Champi 14/05/2019
Bibliography 12/09/2020


The cave was briefly explored, but not surveyed, by the SMCC in February 2010. After failed attempt to find the cave in February 2012 the SMCC hired guides to relocate and survey Tham Champi in February 2014. Martin Ellis - 12/09/2020

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.5Tham Ho Chai - NA0048300
0.5Tham Ho Ying - NA00471000
1.6Tham Phu Hua Lan - NA0049
3.6Tham Pha Daeng - NA00191000
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4.0Cave NA00966427