Cave PL03 - CM0203

แม่นะ (TH)
Length 46m Depth 34m
Grottocenter / carte


On the eastern end of the Doi Luang Chiang Dao summit plateau. The cave is in a doline on the north-east edge of the camping field where it funnels into the overgrown trees near the path up to the highest summit of the massif. The entrance opens on a bearing of 282¦. Martin Ellis - 01/07/2019


Martin Ellis - 01/07/2019

From the narrow entrance the cave starts with a 15 m deep pitch. Seven metres below the head of the pitch is a chimney which is the entrance to a narrow shaft which connects with the main cave at a depth of 17 m. From the bottom of the shaft the wide main passgae heads south-east before turning to the north-east. Where it changes direction, to the south there is a steep descending cleft. At the end the passage narrows and drops to the mud and boulder covered bottom of the cave. The way on continues as a narrow tapering aven on the same fissure. On the passage and shaft walls there is cave popcorn and short stalactites. The bottom is covered with rock rubble and mud.


[Topo] Cave PL03 01/05/2019
Bibliography 01/07/2019


discovery Swider 02/02/1987. The first exploration was made by A. Pietrzyk, Z. Szczepkowski and A. Wosinski on the 3 February. Martin Ellis - 01/07/2019

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