Tham Nam Phra That - KA0140

Length 1332m Depth 7m
Grottocenter / carte


A resurgence cave in the valley below Tham Phra That, Martin Ellis - 18/08/2019


Martin Ellis - 18/08/2019

This resurgence stream cave rises only about 7 m in more than a kilometre of length, carrying a small cave fauna with many cave fish, explored by French and New Zealand expeditions. The stream passage passage is typically 2-3 m high and 3-4 m wide for most of its length. In 1986 progress ceased at a 3 m climb. The 1987 APS expedition climbed this 3 m climb to finish 15 m further at a sump and explored a small inlet on the left bank for 48 m. They also explored the resurgence which could be followed for a few metres and is located a few dozen metres from the entance. In 1990 Pearce's group passed the upstream sump without difficulty to several hundred metres more stream passage to a very low wet squeeze.


Martin Ellis - 18/08/2019

DEHARVENG, LOUIS ET AL. (1987) - UIS Grade 4 (1,100m) NZSS (1990) - BCRA Grade 5c


Martin Ellis - 18/08/2019

Borowsky in 1998 did not find any cave adapted fish, although many had been reported by the APS. He found 3 cm long cyprinids and 15-20 cm long catfish. Tibor Piroth visited the cave in 2010 and reported that the streamway is very beautiful and has fish and shrimps. Fangensis cavernarus Schwendinger et Giribet, 2005 Arthropoda, Arachnida, Opiliones, Stylocelloidea, Stylocellidae) û type locality (Schwendinger and Giribet 2005) Paranura dalgeri Deharveng, 1989 (Arthropoda, Entognatha, Poduromorpha, Neanuroidea, Neanuridae) û type locality (Deharveng 1989)


[Topo] Tham Nam Phra That 28/04/2019
Bibliography 18/08/2019


The cave was surveyed by the NZSS on 17 January 1990. 1998 Richard Borowsky 2010 Tibor Piroth Martin Ellis - 18/08/2019

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