Khapah, Badel (Samuch)

(نړنگ او باډل ولسوالۍ - AF)
Grottocenter / carte


Near the village of Badil (or Daouly Kamar Badil) in a tributary valley to the Kunar rud (Konar Valley), and about 3 km from Narang (note 2). BTH - 28/01/2024


General descriptions

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Samotch Khapah (note 1) is a wet cave and consists of one solitary gallery shaped by the action of water. CAVE DESCRIPTION: The entrance (1.5 m wide and more than 1.5 m high), not far up in the rocky slope of a marble hill, gives access to a 13 m long gallery to a rift (8 to 10 cm wide, 30 cm high) which emits the noise of roaring water and continues in a small, 50 cm large, and water-worn trench (originally: -rigole-). The ceiling height decreases from 3 m (about halfway in) to 1.6 m (at a kind of gate) to reach more than 2 m in the far end. CAVE CONTENTS: There is no bat guano. The floor consists of soil and stones. CAVE LIFE: LINDBERG (1958: 137) redords to have collected Oligochaeta, Mollusca, Diplopoda, Chilopoda, Collembola, Machilida, Blattida, Mantida (at the entrance), Gryllida, Coleoptera (Carabiqua), Formicida, Arachnida (Oiliones), Acaria. JUBERTHIE & DECU (2001: 1747) list Insecta: Thysanura: Machilidae: Haslundichilis lindbergi WYGODZINSKY; Insecta: Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Eremogryllodes major CHOPARD.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1958.02.04: Knut LINDBERG (1958:137, 1961a: 25) visited, explored, and collected cave life. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
18.2GHAOUAÏ KAND (Grotte)
22.0SHAMUN (Samuch)
25.4NURGAL (Cave at)
32.5QACHQAR ou LAÏDJÉH (Grotte)
53.4KHWAR QALEH (Cave in the)
103.5DEKIA, Mount Ghardom (Cave at)
115.6BARIKOT TUNNEL 1 (Upper)
115.6Lower Barikot Tunnel 2