SYRTAP, 1st (Boycott 2004) (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A so-called large (note 1) collapse doline (Boycott, Antony 'Tony' 2004.02.12 Mss: Krem Moo Sata) without identified dimensions is called by various similar names (note 2) and lies somewhere on the eastern side of the Shnongrim Ridge. ETYMOLOGY: The Khasi noun -ka satap- -- apparently corresponding to the Synteng -ka syrtap--- is a space between strata of rocks; a crevice (SINGH, N 1906: 184) and Thomas Arbenz (note 3) tells me the proper name is Krem Syrtap (Cave [between] Strata) and is pronounced Krem Sartap because the Synteng letter -y- is pronounced like an -a- (note 4) but I do not know whether like an -a- as in -far- or as in -fat- ? Barbara Anne am Ende (2007.02.09 Mss: -Krem Moo Sata 2- dated 09 Feb2007) was obviously overconfident with simply stating that -sata- is a local name when actually it is a technical term. ARBENZ (2008 Fieldbook: 68) decided to use rather the Khasi -satad- than the local Snteng -syrtap-, did not consider the entrance doline as a Krem Syrtap on ts own (Krem Syrtap 1 Boycott 2004), and listed Krem Moo Satap (1) (Krem Moo Syrtap 2 Ende) next to Krem Moo Satad Riat (Krem Moo Syrtap 3) (Krem Moo Syrtap 2 Boycott). SITUATION 1 (Boycott, Antony 'Tony' 2004.02.12 Mss): Carry on S.E. from Rift Sink (note 5). SITUATION 2 (Anonymous, probably Bayley 2004.02.18 Mss: Amendment to Boycott 2004.02.12 Mss): Partial forest & some clear areas [in Khasi: ram] which has been cleared for planting crops. Some fencing is visable [sic!] from top of entrance. POSITION: Boycott, Antony 'Tony' (2004.02.12 Mss -Krem Moo Sata- dated 12/2/04) positions Krem Moo Sata at N25°21'03.1”: E92°31'25.1” (WGS84 ±8.4 m) but Arbenz, T (2008.01.14 Mss -Re: Tausend Moskitos-) points out that this position is the position of Synrang Ngap (Krem –>Synrang Ngap). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1 (Boycott, Antony 'Tony' 2004.02.12 Mss): Doline, estimated 40 m deep, 40 m diameter. Steep [deleted: North] south end needs descent. [deleted: South] North end full of recent ut vegetation so descent would be difficult. Possible passage seen at bottom south end, also possible high level passage. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2 (Bayley 2004.02.18 Mss: Amendment to Boycott 2004.02.12 Mss): Able to view from 3/4's of the top of doline — care needed on climb down. Descended in doline, which had a dry sump at the bottom. PROSPECTS: Boycott, Antony 'Tony' (2004.02.12 Mss): Excellent unless drops into Synrang Ngap. CAVE POTENTIAL: Bayley (2004.02.18 Mss: Amendment to Boycott 2004.02.12 Mss) points out a Futher drop through loose boulders at side, ca. 5 m undescended. Not draughting at all. Rocks dropped in sound like dropping on dirt floor. Not considered worth investigating further. Possible passage is 1/2 way down Doline, but looks like inlet from gryke system above the Doline. Not promising.ts own (Krem Syrtap 1 Boycott 2004), and listed Krem Moo Satap (1) (Krem Moo Syrtap 2 Ende) next to Krem Moo Satad Riat (Krem Moo Syrtap 3) (Krem Moo Syrtap 2 Boycott). SITUATION 1 (Boycott, Antony 'Tony' 2004.02.12 Mss): Carry on S.E. from Rift Sink (note 5). SITUATION 2 (Anonymous, probably Bayley 2004.02.18 Mss: Amendment to Boycott 2004.02.12 Mss): Partial forest & some clear areas [in Khasi: ram] which has been cleared for planting crops. Some fencing is visable [sic!] from top of entrance. POSITION: Boycott, Antony 'Tony' (2004.02.12 Mss -Krem Moo Sata- dated 12/2/04) positions Krem Moo Sata at N25°21'03.1”: E92°31'25.1” (WGS84 ±8.4 m) but Arbenz, T (2008.01.14 Mss -Re: Tausend Moskitos-) points out that this position is the position of Synrang Ngap (Krem –>Synrang Ngap). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1 (Boycott, Antony 'Tony' 2004.02.12 Mss): Doline, estimated 40 m deep, 40 m diameter. Steep [deleted: North] south end needs descent. [deleted: South] North end full of recent ut vegetation so descent would be difficult. Possible passage seen at bottom south end, also possible high level passage. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2 (Bayley 2004.02.18 Mss: Amendment to Boycott 2004.02.12 Mss): Able to view from 3/4's of the top of doline — care needed on climb down. Descended in doline, which had a dry sump at the bottom. PROSPECTS: Boycott, Antony 'Tony' (2004.02.12 Mss): Excellent unless drops into Synrang Ngap. CAVE POTENTIAL: Bayley (2004.02.18 Mss: Amendment to Boycott 2004.02.12 Mss) points out a Futher drop through loose boulders at side, ca. 5 m undescended. Not draughting at all. Rocks dropped in sound like dropping on dirt floor. Not considered worth investigating further. Possible passage is 1/2 way down Doline, but looks like inlet from gryke system above the Doline. Not promising.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2004.02.12: Raplang Shangpliang and Bun Sukhlain guided Boycott, Antony 'Tony' and Jayne Stead to the entrance (Boycott 2004.02.12 Mss: Krem Moo Sata; Arbenz, T 2004.02 Mss: Abstracts.xls).2004.02.18: Nicola 'Nicky' Bayley, Joseph 'Jo / Joe' Duxbury and Andrew 'Andy' Harp descended (Bayley 2004.02.18 amendment to Boycott 2004.02.12 Mss) and 'surveyed' 32.22 m (tape spotter standards) to a degree yielding a total of lengthwise measured distances (Brooks 2004.04.16 Mss: Survey Summary; Brooks 2004.05.11 Mss 'Survey Summary 2004' revised). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.0SYNRANG NGAP n°2 (Krem)
0.1RIFT SINKS (Boycott & Stead 2004)
0.1SYRTAP, 1st (Arbenz 2004) (Krem)
0.2WAH EJIAR (Ende 2007) 3rd (Krem)
0.2WAH EJIAR (Boycott 2004) (Krem)
0.2SYRTAP, 2nd (Arbenz 2004) (Krem)
0.2SYRTAP, 2nd (Ende 2007) (Krem)
0.2SYRTAP, 2nd (Boycott 2004) (Krem)