DAK DAK (Bayley 2002) (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A pothole cave entrance (2 by 5 m wide), which gives access to an about 32 m deep shaft, which appears to drop down onto a steeply descending boulder slope (Bayley 2002.02.17 Mss) but actually descends to a floor covered with stones, gravel (also rounded) (Winkler 2009.02.27 Mss), continues a few metres (past flowstone speleothems on the cave walls) and drops another 1.5 m to end filled with sediment and stones (Winkler 2009.02.27 Mss). ETYMOLOGY: The originally recorded cave name Krem Dak Dak (Bayley 2002.02.17 Mss) has been recorded without explanation (note 1). The Khasi the adverb -dak- means at once, immediately and the noun -u dak- is a sign, a letter, a mark, a postal runner (SINGH, N 1906: 63). Arbenz, T (2008 Mss -Fieldbook- page 21) introduced the spelling Krem Dakdak which was taken up by Brooks, S J et al. (2009.02 Mss -Diary 2009.doc- Sunday 8th February) while Winkler (2009.02.27 Mss: Krem Dak Dak) preserved the original spelling. SITUATION: On the eastern side of the Shongrim ridge (note 2) and south-east below the southern end of the village of Tangnub (church near N25°18'07”: E092°30'06”: 1145 m asl WGS84, Arbenz, T 2006 map: Shnongrim Ridge). APPROACH 2009 (Winkler 2009.02.27 Mss): The earlier description of the approach (see below: Approach 2002) … is quite well. Only it is left from the way and west (not south).APPROACH 2002 (after Bayley 2002.02.17 Mss): To reach the cave, start on the road near N25°17'56-: E092°30'07- (WGS84) and descend for about a kilometre along a footpath without identified direction (probably somewhat eastwards) to paddy fields in the -pynthor- (level ground) of the Litang valley. At an unspecified location, the shaft lies somewhere on the left-hand side of the path. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1 (after Winkler 2009.02.27 Mss): Pitch (about 2 by 8 m wide) drops 32 m down to a cave floor. From there it is only a few metres to the end (one 1.5 m step down) where the bottom is filled with sediment and stones. CAVE DESCRIPTION (Brooks, S J et al. 2009.02 Mss -Diary 2009.doc- Sunday 8th February): Another shaft allows sports cavers to train descending an estimated 35 m deep pitch that drops down to where a cave passage closed down after two more survey legs. TACKLE: In February 2009, a convenient large tree growing at the entrance gives the best hang (45 m rope) (Winkler 2009.02.27 Mss). PROSPECTS 2009: Ranging between none (Winkler 2009.02.27 Mss) or minimal / no chance & potential way on blocked by sediments (Brooks, undated 2009 June Mss amendment to Winkler 2009.02.27 Mss). PROSPECTS 2002: Christophe -Xtophe- Deblaere (2002.02.17 Mss amendment to Bayley 2002.02.17 Mss) draws the attention of the caving world to consider that this undescended shaft is Undescended. Bring enough rope. … If this shaft continues, it will all be vertical. CAVE LIFE: On 8th February 2009, Robert Winkler (2009.02.27 Mss: Krem Dak Dak) noticed the presence of the common spiders or, probably, Arachnida: Aranea: Sparassida: Heteroodina: conf. Heteropoda.odina: conf. Heteropoda.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2002.02.17: Probably led by one or several unidentified guides (unidentified), which they deemed to consider not noteworthy, it was Nicola 'Nicky' Bayley and Christophe 'Xtophe' Deblaere visited the entrance of a pothole cave called Krem Dak Dak (Bayley 2002.02.17 Mss). 2009.02.08: Peter Ludwig, Robert Winkler, and Sujan Shubba … tried to find Dakdak [i.e. Krem Dak Dak, Bayley 2002] but found another shaft [Krem Dakdak, Brooks 2009] close to the path that was similar in description to Dakdak [sic! qua: Krem Dak Dak, Bayley 2002]. This [Krem Dak Dak Bayley 2002 = Krem Dakdak Brooks 2009] was descended for 35 m and the cave passage closed down after two more survey legs. All in all, 45.85 m were surveyed. Returning to the surface, the remainder of the time was spent looking for other cave entrances, but nothing could be found (Brooks, S J et al. 2009 Mss 'Diary 2009.doc' Sunday 8th February). Robert Winkler (2009.02.27 Mss: Krem Dak Dak) points out that his cave had been surveyed by Peter Ludwig, Sujan … and Robert Winkler during expe 2009. Simon James Brooks (undated 2009 June Mss amendment to Winkler 2009.02.27 Mss) has 8-2-2009 - Cave relocated by Peter L. Robert W. & Sujan Shubba - whereupon it was fully explored and surveyed (note 3). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

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