(Umrangso - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Among approximately several entrances (Dawson, H B 2010.02.16 undated Mss: Krem [deleted: No6 Million Atre] K-Inlet 1) with unidentified spatial relations to each other there is one approximately 0.4 m wide by 1.8 m high with an unrecognised orientation, which either a) give access either to a kind of cave [that] is not unusual in character but characterised by what had been on 16th February 2010 a gravelly mud and water on the floor (Dawson, H B 2010.02.16 undated Mss) or, actually, is unusual in character as it b) consist of a partly denuded Graben (channel, culvert, ditch, drain, trench), which are generally covered beneath soil (Arbenz, T 2010.07.11 personal correspondence). ETYMOLOGY 2010: Henry B. Dawson (2010.02.16 undated Mss: Krem K-Inlet 1) had recorded a K-Inlet 1 but somebody else (anonymous Mss amendment to Dawson 2010.02.16 undated Mss: K-Inlet 1) alienated this into a partly more strange Krem K-Inlet 1 (sic!). The Roman letter ”K” is the 3rd (third) letter in the Khasi lphabet (SINGH, N 1906: 19) and represents only here the name of the river Kopili reduced to a practically unrecognisable condition while the so-called inlet (Dawson, H B 2010.02.16 undated Mss: K-Inlet 1) probably signifies an inflowing stream or affluent, contributary, tributary, or feeder (note 1). ETYMOLOGY 2011: The origin and meaning of the alternative cave name K- Inlet 1 (Wah U Ngap) (Arbenz, T 2011.10.28 Mss: Kopili Inlet 1 / K- Inlet 1 (Wah U Ngap) 16.2.2010, Henry Dawson 16thFeb.2010) has not yet been identified but specifies Dawson's inlet with a Bee Stream (note 2). POSITION: The several [cave] entrances are distributed over an estimated distance of 75 m in the vicinity of a spot that lies at an estimated distance of 200 m without identified direction from a GPS position, which has been received with an estimated precision error of ±14 m (note 3) near N25°25'30.7”: E092°36'25.9”: 705 m asl (WGS84). SITUATION: Arbenz, T (2010.03.31 cave distribution map: Pala_Ridge_410.pdf) indicates Krem K-Inlet 1 Dawson 2010 above the orographically right (locally eastern) bank of the Kopili River (hence in North Cachar district, Assam) and about 670 m in a direct line generally SSE (corresponding to about 750 m upstream along the Kopili River) from boats (N25°25’50”: E092°36’15” WGS84). Arbenz, T (2010.07.11 Mss personal correspondence) tells me that the first noticed Kopili Inlet is incised in -a first, partly loose limestone layer, about 5 m thick. The topography north-east of Kopili Inlet 1 is represented by level country up to hilly elevations several kilometres distant. Much of it must be flooded by the Kopili during high waters (note 4).Dawson, H B (2010.02.16 undated Mss: K-Inlet 1) locates this caving object not only in a limestone block but also at [the] base of [a relatively] short outcrop (sic!) with unidentified dimensions and no comparison for scale. APPROACH: Dawson, H B (undated 2010.02.16 Mss: Krem K-Inlet 1) commands to Follow [the] Shaktiman rack [note 5] from [the village of] Kseh [note 6] down [note 7] to the river Kopili. Near Krem Labbit [note 8] get a boat [note 9]. Paddle to G.P.S. co-ordinates of inlet a short way upstream [note 10]. Follow inlet [sic! qua: tributary, affluent] to River upstream for approximately 200 m [without identified direction] avoiding all side branches. Eventually an entrance is found in a limestone block. Alternatively, from the Kseh jetty … take a boat upstream. Paddle for roughly 600 m to the GPS position on the Assam side. Leave the boat and walk up the inlet in an open trench for about 200 m, avoiding all side branches. Eventually a cave entrance is found in a limestone block (Arbenz, T 2011.10.28 Mss: Kopili Inlet 1 / K- Inlet 1 (Wah U Ngap) 16.2.2010, Henry Dawson 16thFeb.2010). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2010.02: Cave goes in and out of limestone [and air] with several entrances eventually leaving the limestone block it cuts through after about 75 m. There the watercourse continues [without idntified direction] up the valley (Dawson 2010.02.16 undated Mss: K-Inlet 1). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2010.07: Arbenz, T (2010.07.11 Mss personal correspondence) does not mention any cave in connection with the two Kopili inlets but tells me that both Kopili Inlet One and Kopili Inlet Two consist of narrow, almost dry Gräben (channels, ditches, drains, trenches), which, in the case of Kopili Inlet One, lead into the karstified, partly brittle / crumbly / crisp / friable first limestone layer (about 5 m thick). Both of these Gräben do end with (commence at?) narrow clefts where the soil cover is washed out. In some parts, the clefts are open on the top but in others infilled with soil. It is difficult to enter, if not impossible (note 11). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2012: Part of monsoon drain from the Wah U Ngap area in the Hills to NE. The entrance is at the base of a short limestone outcrop and 0.4 m wide by 1.8 m high facing West. The cave is a straight passage that goes through several Limestone blcks in the partially open karst area. Gravelly mud floor and some water puddles. After about 75 m it breaks out into the open, the water course continues up the valley towards Krem Wah U Ngap (Arbenz, T 2011.10.28 Mss -Henry Dawson 16thFeb.2010- Kopili Inlet 1 / K- Inlet 1 (Wah U Ngap) 16.2.2010). CAVE LIFE: Neither elfish nor glumfish but 3 Fish (Arbenz, T 2011.10.28 Mss: Kopili Inlet 1 / K- Inlet 1 (Wah U Ngap) 16.2.2010, Henry Dawson 16thFeb.2010).ntified direction] up the valley (Dawson 2010.02.16 undated Mss: K-Inlet 1). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2010.07: Arbenz, T (2010.07.11 Mss personal correspondence) does not mention any cave in connection with the two Kopili inlets but tells me that both Kopili Inlet One and Kopili Inlet Two consist of narrow, almost dry Gräben (channels, ditches, drains, trenches), which, in the case of Kopili Inlet One, lead into the karstified, partly brittle / crumbly / crisp / friable first limestone layer (about 5 m thick). Both of these Gräben do end with (commence at?) narrow clefts where the soil cover is washed out. In some parts, the clefts are open on the top but in others infilled with soil. It is difficult to enter, if not impossible (note 11). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2012: Part of monsoon drain from the Wah U Ngap area in the Hills to NE. The entrance is at the base of a short limestone outcrop and 0.4 m wide by 1.8 m high facing West. The cave is a straight passage that goes through several Limestone blntified direction] up the valley (Dawson 2010.02.16 undated Mss: K-Inlet 1). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2010.07: Arbenz, T (2010.07.11 Mss personal correspondence) does not mention any cave in connection with the two Kopili inlets but tells me that both Kopili Inlet One and Kopili Inlet Two consist of narrow, almost dry Gräben (channels, ditches, drains, trenches), which, in the case of Kopili Inlet One, lead into the karstified, partly brittle / crumbly / crisp / friable first limestone layer (about 5 m thick). Both of these Gräben do end with (commence at?) narrow clefts where the soil cover is washed out. In some parts, the clefts are open on the top but in others infilled with soil. It is difficult to enter, if not impossible (note 11). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2012: Part of monsoon drain from the Wah U Ngap area in the Hills to NE. The entrance is at the base of a short limestone outcrop and 0.4 m wide by 1.8 m high facing West. The cave is a straight passage that goes through several Limestone blntified direction] up the valley (Dawson 2010.02.16 undated Mss: K-Inlet 1). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2010.07: Arbenz, T (2010.07.11 Mss personal correspondence) does not mention any cave in connection with the two Kopili inlets but tells me that both Kopili Inlet One and Kopili Inlet Two consist of narrow, almost dry Gräben (channels, ditches, drains, trenches), which, in the case of Kopili Inlet One, lead into the karstified, partly brittle / crumbly / crisp / friable first limestone layer (about 5 m thick). Both of these Gräben do end with (commence at?) narrow clefts where the soil cover is washed out. In some parts, the clefts are open on the top but in others infilled with soil. It is difficult to enter, if not impossible (note 11). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2012: Part of monsoon drain from the Wah U Ngap area in the Hills to NE. The entrance is at the base of a short limestone outcrop and 0.4 m wide by 1.8 m high facing West. The cave is a straight passage that goes through several Limestone blcks in the partially open karst area. Gravelly mud floor and some water puddles. After about 75 m it breaks out into the open, the water course continues up the valley towards Krem Wah U Ngap (Arbenz, T 2011.10.28 Mss -Henry Dawson 16thFeb.2010- Kopili Inlet 1 / K- Inlet 1 (Wah U Ngap) 16.2.2010). CAVE LIFE: Neither elfish nor glumfish but 3 Fish (Arbenz, T 2011.10.28 Mss: Kopili Inlet 1 / K- Inlet 1 (Wah U Ngap) 16.2.2010, Henry Dawson 16thFeb.2010).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2010.02.19: An unidentified Kseh village headman (no name mentioned) arranged for a chap called Rastan Man (also from the village of Kseh) to provide a boat for Phrang Kupar 'Teddy' Mawlong, Thomas Arbenz and Henry B. Dawson: The head man joined us and we rowed about 5 km in either directions from the bank of the Kopili. Two more [unidentified] cave entrances were found and an inlet was spotted near the end of the downstream section … (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc: 19th February 2010). On the other hand, we are told about a guide Mynlin Manar in connection with 16th Feb 2010: H. Dawson on recce trip (Arbenz, T 2011.10.28 Mss: Kopili Inlet 1 / K- Inlet 1 (Wah U Ngap) 16.2.2010, Henry Dawson 16thFeb.2010). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.3WAH U NGAP (Krem)
0.3WAH U NGAP, 2nd (Krem)
0.7BYLLIAT, Kseh (Krem)
0.7SHYNGKTAT, Kseh (Krem)
0.9LABIT, Kseh (Krem)