Tham Nok Nang An [Swallow Cave] [CH0019]

Length 907m Depth 71m
Grottocenter / carte


Downstream from the Tham Nok Nang An camp the shale gives way to limestone and the stream sinks into the lower entrance of Tham Nok Nang An. Above it, in the cliff face, a terrace at the upper entrance has the remains of an old gun placement. Martin Ellis - 18/06/2019


Martin Ellis - 18/06/2019

The lower entrance is behind a large rock where the stream sinks and it opens out immediately into a roomy chamber. The upper entrance is 30m high and 25m wide, but closes down to a passage within 40m. From the upper entrance the passage leads into the hill, but rapidly chokes. This can be bypassed into a continuation of the main passage in which a large roost of bats has provided a layer of guano. This is crossed to gain the rear entrance of the cave. An awkward climb down overhanging boulders at the rear entrance gives access to the roomy passages of the lower series, which can be followed back upstream to the main sink entrance. The passage downstream from the sink grows smaller in size and eventually sumps after two short climbs. Several small side passages lead off, one ending in a choke, but there appears to be little possibility of any extension to the surveyed length of 907m. It seems likely that the water sinking in Tham Nok Nang An may flow south westerly to join the main drain in Tham Phu Khieo.


Martin Ellis - 18/06/2019



Bibliography 18/06/2019
[Topo] Tham Nok Nang An 28/04/2019


Tham Nok Nang An was explored by the 1989 British expedition. Martin Ellis - 18/06/2019

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