(Saipung - IN)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Two cave entrances give access to a pothole which drops into the relic of what once had been a stream cave (note 1), which is either accessible by dropping oneself 8 m (tackle: 10 m ladder) from the NW side in it's northern section (Jarratt 2003.03.13 Mss: Krem Ynram Blang) or, alternatively, by descending down into a 12 m deep daylight pitch in it's middle part (Laumanns 2003.02.26 Mss: Imran Blang). Inside the cave, calcite cemented boulders block both ends of the accessible cave passage, which contains partly massive calcite formations (speleothems: mainly flowstone, phototrophic stalactite in the first pothole, anemolites / helictites / excentriques, and a relatively huge saw-toothed curtain / calcite flag), boulders, sand, and mud. ETYMOLOGY: The Synteng Khasi (Pnar) cave name Krem Nymram Blang (Arbenz T circa 2007.02.25 Mss -Korrekturen 2007- undated, after a female teacher with an unrecognised name at Shnongrim village) is the latest suggested spelling version of what was erlier recorded as Krem Imran Blang (Laumanns M 2003.02.26 Mss), Krem Ynram Blang (Jarratt, A R 2003.03.13 Mss after Raplang Shangpliang 2003 February personal communication) and Krem Indran Blang (Paheb Shor Pajuh 2003.02.24 personal communication). These names were understood to translate into Goat Track Cave or Footpath Cave (note 2). SITUATION: On the north-western slope of the Shnongrim Ridge but above the Pyrda plain (east of the Jaintia Cement works) and in an area of dense jungle and giant grykes (bogaz). To reach the cave, Jarratt (2003.03.13 Mss: Krem Ynram Blang) suggests to descend down from Krem –>Phlangmet into a so-called obvious (unidentified characteristics), jungle-clad closed depression or doline (no size or shape mentioned) and take a wooded gully on the right-hand side (without orientation) up to what had been in February 2003 a deforested ground. CAVE POTENTIAL: The choked -downstream- continuation turns into rock-walled surface gully leading down to an unvisited,jungle-filled doline dircetly below Krem –>Phlangmet (Laumanns 2003.02.26 Mss -Imran Blang-; Jarratt 2003.03.13 Mss: Krem Ynram Blang).rlier recorded as Krem Imran Blang (Laumanns M 2003.02.26 Mss), Krem Ynram Blang (Jarratt, A R 2003.03.13 Mss after Raplang Shangpliang 2003 February personal communication) and Krem Indran Blang (Paheb Shor Pajuh 2003.02.24 personal communication). These names were understood to translate into Goat Track Cave or Footpath Cave (note 2). SITUATION: On the north-western slope of the Shnongrim Ridge but above the Pyrda plain (east of the Jaintia Cement works) and in an area of dense jungle and giant grykes (bogaz). To reach the cave, Jarratt (2003.03.13 Mss: Krem Ynram Blang) suggests to descend down from Krem –>Phlangmet into a so-called obvious (unidentified characteristics), jungle-clad closed depression or doline (no size or shape mentioned) and take a wooded gully on the right-hand side (without orientation) up to what had been in February 2003 a deforested ground. CAVE POTENTIAL: The choked -downstream- continuation turns into rock-walled surface gully leading down to an unvisited,jungle-filled doline dircetly below Krem –>Phlangmet (Laumanns 2003.02.26 Mss -Imran Blang-; Jarratt 2003.03.13 Mss: Krem Ynram Blang).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2003.02.24: Anthony ”Tony' R. Jarratt (2003.03.13 Mss: Krem Ynram Blang), Daniel B. Harries and Ksan Kupar 'Ronnie' Mawlong, guided by Paheb 'Respected Father' Shor Pajuh, paid a visit. 2003.02.26: Michael Laumanns (book), Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt (instruments) and Brian D. Kharpran Daly (tape) explored and mapped 80 m to BCRA-grade 4b. Two falling rocks on the entrance climb hit and badly bruised Brian (Jarratt 2003.03.13 Mss: Krem Ynram Blang). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.1IAP KSEW 2 (Krem)
0.1IAP KSEW (Krem)
0.1MUPUD 5a (Brooks 2009) (Krem)
0.1MUPUD 6 (Brooks 2009) (Krem)
0.1LUM MUPUD (Krem poh)
0.2SIEJ, Khaidong (Krem)
0.2MUPUD 5 (Jarratt 2003) (Krem)
0.2ANGKHAT 1 (Jarratt 2004) (Krem)