DAIT KRONG, 2nd (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

The entrance is a rift cutting straight through the karst outcrop, about 1 m wide (Arbenz, T 2011.10.01 Mss -Annie Audsley 2010.02.12- Krem Dait Krong 2) or a rift roughly 1 m wide (anonymous Audsley, A U 2010.02.10 Mss: Krem Dait Krong 2) which was not surveyed but anyhow identified as rift and short shaft into Krem Man Krem (Arbenz, T 2011.10.01 Mss -Annie Audsley 2010.02.12- Krem Dait Krong 2) or Krem –>Mankrem (note 1): Alternative entrance to Krem Man Krem. Cave of the Krong Bite = Tiger-like [deleted: teacher] creature (anonymous Audsley, A U 2010.02.10 Mss: Krem Dait Krong 2). ETYMOLOGY: No autochthonous, indigenous or locally known name has been identified for what has been christened Krem Dait Krong 2 due to the cave entrance's unidentified spatial relation to the cave entrance of the true Krem –>Dait Krong, which lies about 30 m in a direct line further east. SITUATION: At an unidentified location somewhere in the vicinity of the first Krem –>Dait Krong 1 and at a spot, whch lies not only in an unspecified spatial relation to Krem –>Dait Krong 1 and Krem –>Dait Krong 3 but also to each and every of all the known cave entrances in the same vicinity (note 2). POSITION: Arbenz, T (2013.10.11 personal correspondence) told me it is -practical- to have one single GPS position for the two distict cave entrances to Krem Dait Krong 2 and Krem Dait Krong 3 because, please note the argument, -Peter and Roger resurveyed these caves with the help of a GPS receiver- and the two -cave entrances are 8 m apart- from each other (note 3). APPROACH 2010: From the highest tree in jungle that had been the tallest tree (very large rubber tree) (note 4), which is said to been reached by the circuituous route described above (see: Krem –>Dait Krong 1), the cave entrance is a rift cutting straight through the outcrop immediately to the N-E of the tree Best accessed from the [unspecified] other end (anonymous Audsley, A U 2010.02.10 Mss: Krem Dait Krong 2). APPROACH 2011: Take te road heading North from Umkyrpong village for roughly 100 m from the (southern) football pitch. Turn off the road near N25°26’03.0”: E92°34’58.3” where the edge of the jungle curves away from the road. Cross the scrubby land to the jungle, heading towards the tallest tree. When you reach the karst outcrop climb up to the top of this to the large rubber tree. The entrance is a rift cutting straight through the outcrop immediately to the NE of the tree (Arbenz, T 2011.10.01 Mss -Annie Audsley 2010.02.12- Krem Dait Krong 2). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2010: Rift, roughly 10 m to floor sloping to side or rift. Did not descend but there is possibly [a not exactly spotless] bedding [deleted: headi ] under one wall -- roughly 1 m wide (anonymous Audsley, A U 2010.02.10 Mss: Krem Dait Krong 2). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2011: The entrance is a rift cutting straight through the karst outcrop, about 1 m wide. The rift is 10 m long sloping to the side. It gives access to a short (10 m) shaft, which drops right ito the main passage of Krem Man Krem at stn.1/12 (Arbenz, T 2011.10.01 Mss -Annie Audsley 2010.02.12- Krem Dait Krong 2). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2012: The rift is 10 m long sloping to one side. It gives access to a short (10 m) shaft, which drops right [or, perhaps, straight] into the main [cave] passage of Krem Man Krem [sic! qua: Krem –>Mankrem] (ARBENZ, T 2012: 243).to the main passage of Krem Man Krem at stn.1/12 (Arbenz, T 2011.10.01 Mss -Annie Audsley 2010.02.12- Krem Dait Krong 2). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2012: The rift is 10 m long sloping to one side. It gives access to a short (10 m) shaft, which drops right [or, perhaps, straight] into the main [cave] passage of Krem Man Krem [sic! qua: Krem –>Mankrem] (ARBENZ, T 2012: 243).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2010.02.10, trip 1: It was one Philip Tangliang (Anonymous 2010.02.10 Mss: Krem Blang) or Philp Tangliang (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc) from the village of Umkyrpong, who guided one Kyrmen AA, Annie U. Audsley, Angela Arbenz, a kind of Henry (rather the caver Henry Boswell Dawson than a hanging boulder), and a certain Dabid (sic!) to the entrances of two further caves … in the same vicinity bothpes [sic!], but entrances were GPS’s with poor accuracy [sic! qua: precision error] (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). According to Thomas Arbenz, however, A.Arbenz, A.Audsley, H.Dawson, D.Wahlang, K.Rani and guide Philip Tangliang visited and explored the cave (Arbenz, T 2011.10.01 Mss 'Annie Audsley 2010.02.12' Krem Dait Krong 2). 2010.02.11, trip 2: Henry B. Dawson, Annie U. Audsley, Imogen Furlong and a marine (Indian Navy) called Amulta (sic!) instead of Amulya Prasad Parihar exercised futility, arrived at beleving to have dropped a so-called Krem Daitrong 2 that actually was a Krem Dait Krong 2, and, having neither shafts surveyed (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc), went back to the camp where cavers were concentrated in February 2010. According to Thomas Arbenz, however, H.Dawson rigged the shaft and descended into Krem Man Krem (Arbenz, T 2011.10.01 Mss 'Annie Audsley 2010.02.12' Krem Dait Krong 2). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.0DAIT KRONG, 1st (Krem)
0.0DAIT KRONG, 3rd (Krem)
0.1MANKREM (Krem)
0.3Rapasan (Krem)
0.3AA SINKHOLE (Davidson 2010)
0.4Rapasan 2 (Krem)
0.5Salang Spring Cave