SATA, Sutnga (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


The cave entrance to a pothole called »Krem Sata« of unknown depth, is said to be situated in an unexpected location west of the Shnongrim Ridge and in one of the rare occurrences of Lakadong Limestone (Lower Sylhet stage) of Lower Eocene age. ETYMOLOGY: SINGH, N (1906: 183-184) lists no Khasi word like "sata" as such (note 1) but the recorded (possibly corrupted) cave name "Krem Sata" may actually stand for Krem Sada (note 2), Krem U Jata (note 3), Krem Satap (note 4), or even Krem Sathe (note 5). SITUATION: At an unknown location somewhere at an unspecified distance along the road from the Sutnga I.B. (PWD Inspection Bungalow at N25°22'18”: E092°25'49”) towards the Jaintia Cement Works (N25°20'39”: E092°28'53") and possibly on the right-hand side ( (south or east?) of the road. CULTURAL HISTORY - human use: Human body disposal, either dead or alive: According to three young boys met near the Sutnga I.B. (1999.02.28), Krem Sata was (or still is) used to get rid of »criminals« (or so). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 28/02/2016

NOTE 1: The Khasi prefix "sa" means »to be affected with, to contract a disease« (SINGH, N 1906: 178) and the verb "tah" means »to use anything as an external application or ointment« but the noun "ka tah" is »a snail« but while the verb "tái" means »to winnow, to bring reasons to an argument, to sift« (SINGH, N 1906: 219). NOTE 2: The Khasi (Hindi loanword) adjectiv "sada" means »blank, plain« (SINGH, N 1906: 180). NOTE 3: The Synteng and Khasi "U Jata" is the name of »one of the old gods of the Syntengs who is also worshipped by many of the Khasis« (SINGH, N 1906: 99). NOTE 4: The Khasi "ka satap" signifies »a space between strata of rocks; a crevice« (SINGH, N 1906: 184). NOTE 5: The Khasi adjective "sathê" means »with a big and long coat« (SINGH, N 1906: 184). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 28/02/2016


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1999.02.28: Three young boys near the Sutnga I.B. tell the cave name »Krem Sata« (or so) Brian D. Kharpran Daly. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 28/02/2016

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
1.6LABIT, Sutnga - Monpat (Krem)
1.9THANGSADOP (Cave at)
2.4BLOIN (Krem)
2.7Synriaw (Krem)
2.9NARWAN, Sutnga I.B. (Synrang)
3.2CHOMCHOM (Krem)
3.4UMPLIANG (Krem)
3.5LABIT, Sutnga - Inspection Bungalow, 2nd (Krem)
3.5LABIT, Sutnga - Inspection Bungalow (Krem)