Pao Cave 1 (Triangle entrance of) (Koh-i)

(قلات - PK)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A single passage in massive Chiltan Limestone, throughout dry and inactive, sloping steeply up to calcite chokes [speleothems]. SITUATION 1: The caves on the hill known as Koh-i Pao lie …at a driving distance of three hours' from Quetta. To reach the site, leave the main road from Quetta to Kalat at Mungochar [note 1] and head east on an unmetalled road in the direction of Johan [N29°20': E066°58'). Some 20 minutes fast drive from main route the road passes through a gap [note 2] between two mountains. The mountain to the south / south-south-east is [Koh-i Pao, opposite south of] Maraan Ghar (note 3). SITUATION 2: The cave entrance on the northern flank of Koh-i Pao is visible south / south-east from the Manguchar - Johan Road before reaching Shaikh Haji Khand. It is a large triangular hole at around mid height of the mountain (note 4). It is possible to leave the track near the pass and drive part of the way towards the cave. Then on foot to base of cliff below the cave. A scar 100 m free climb of VS - HVS is needed to reach the entrance. CAVE DESCRIPTION: A 16 m wide and about 16.5 m high triangular entrance leads onto a sloping passage which diminishes after 80 m to a passage 1.5 m wide and ending in calcite chokes. The floor is covered with angular boulders and sand. Tackle: A good head for heights. CAVE POTENTIAL: Extensions very unlikely. CAVE LIFE: Swift nests (Collocalia?) in roof and bat guano (Chiroptera?) on floor (after Tom Chapman's Mss Pakistan Cave Record 2000.10.13 and BROOKS 2001: 26).A single passage in massive Chiltan Limestone, throughout dry and inactive, sloping steeply up to calcite chokes [speleothems]. SITUATION 1: The caves on the hill known as Koh-i Pao lie …at a driving distance of three hours' from Quetta. To reach the site, leave the main road from Quetta to Kalat at Mungochar [note 1] and head east on an unmetalled road in the direction of Johan [N29°20': E066°58'). Some 20 minutes fast drive from main route the road passes through a gap [note 2] between two mountains. The mountain to the south / south-south-east is [Koh-i Pao, opposite south of] Maraan Ghar (note 3). SITUATION 2: The cave entrance on the northern flank of Koh-i Pao is visible south / south-east from the Manguchar - Johan Road before reaching Shaikh Haji Khand. It is a large triangular hole at around mid height of the mountain (note 4). It is possible to leave the track near the pass and drive part of the way towards the cave. Then on foot to base of cliff below the cave. A scar 100 m free climb of VS - HVS is needed to reach the entrance. CAVE DESCRIPTION: A 16 m wide and about 16.5 m high triangular entrance leads onto a sloping passage which diminishes after 80 m to a passage 1.5 m wide and ending in calcite chokes. The floor is covered with angular boulders and sand. Tackle: A good head for heights. CAVE POTENTIAL: Extensions very unlikely. CAVE LIFE: Swift nests (Collocalia?) in roof and bat guano (Chiroptera?) on floor (after Tom Chapman's Mss Pakistan Cave Record 2000.10.13 and BROOKS 2001: 26).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2000.10.11: Wali 'Walo' Mohammad Achakzai, Noor 'Noro' Mohammad Khilji, Habibullah Khan Saddiozai, Anthony Revell and Tom Chapman climbed to the cave, explored and 'surveyed' to standards yielding meterage. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

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