Cave CH0005 - CH0005

ห้วยยาง (TH)
Grottocenter / carte


The cave is located beside the path from Wat Tham Ngoen to Tham Ngoen 1, overlooking the Ban Tham Ngoen valley. Martin Ellis - 18/06/2019


Martin Ellis - 18/06/2019

This rock shelter has a 2 m diameter choked phreatic tube going 5m into the hillside. There are ancient red wall paintings in the shelter.


Bibliography 18/06/2019
  • DEHARVENG, LOUIS ET AL. (1988) "ExpÚditions Tha´ 87-Tha´ 88" Association PyrÚnÚenne de SpÚlÚologie, Toulouse ISBN 2-906273-02-3 DUNKLEY, JOHN ROBERT (1995) "The Caves of Thailand" Speleological Research Council, Sydney ISBN 0-9589253-9-9 124pp ELLIS, MARTIN; BARRETT, DAVE (2001) "Thailand Expedition February 2000 Report" Shepton Mallet Caving Club Journal Series 10 No. 8 pp247-272


1987-06-14 A. Bedos, D. Rigal, E. Delnatte, L. Deharveng (APS) Martin Ellis - 18/06/2019

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.1Cave CH0006 - CH000630
0.2Tham Huang Po [Tham Ban Ngoem] [Tham Wam Bo] [Grotte de la Source] [CH0007]2505
0.3Cave [CH 0102]400
0.3Tham Pha Ngep 2 [Tham Pha Ngoep 2] [CH0097]
0.3Tham Pha Ngep 1 [Tham Pha Ngoep 1] [CH0096]
0.4Ban Tham Ngoen Resurgence Cave - CH00085
0.6Rock Shelter [CH0051]200
0.8Tham Ngoen 5 [Tham Ngoen 3] [CH0050]4010
0.8Tham Ngoen 2 - CH000210015