Zargaran, Farah: Kuh-e Bashto (Ghar)

فراه (فراه - AF)
Grottocenter / carte


Zargaran ?, Farah BTH - 27/01/2024


General description

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 12/12/2015

The "Goldsmith's Source" or "Goldsmith's Cave" (note 1) is 7 meters wide rock shelter, about 5 meters deep, characterised by a lowering ceiling, that soon turns into a obstacle when investigating. The floor was very dry in late April 1958 and criss-crossed with mud-cracks indicating a previous presence of water.


Bibliography 12/12/2015
  • Lindberg, Knut 1958. NOTE 1: Number XII of LINDBERG (1958: 126) is fully titled »Tchachmèh Zargaran ou Ghar Zargaran (la source ou la grotte des orfévres)« in French language and transliteration.


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1958.04.25: Knut LINDBERG (1958: 125, 1961a: 17-18) visited, took altimeter readings, explored, possibly surveyed (?), measured temperatures and collected cave life. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 12/12/2015

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
5.2Mummiya, Koh Akhur 1 (Ghar)
5.2MUMMIYA, Koh Akhur, 2nd (Ghar)
5.3Koh Akhur (Cave on the)
18.6MUMMIYA, Koh Pir, 1st (Ghar)
18.6MUMMIYA, Koh Pir, 2nd (Ghar)
24.7Hammam (Ghar)
24.7KELIDAN (Ghar)
56.8KOH SI AV BABA (Cave on the)
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