Tham Pi Man Face - MH0151

Length 20m Depth 0m
Grottocenter / carte


This cave is located at the base of the limestone hill visible north-west of the junction of the H1095 and the road to Ban Na Pu Pom. The cave entrance faces east and is just south of the centre of the cliff line. Access is via a steep climb up from the Ban Na Pu Pom road about 1.5 km from the H1095. A 6 m climb up the cliff is required to reach the entrance. Martin Ellis - 30/05/2020


Martin Ellis - 30/05/2020

This dry cave has a 2 m high and 4 m wide entrance and is 20 m long. The cave has two main chambers connected by a 1 m diameter hole. The first room is daylit with 3 or 4 teak coffins. The back chamber has a lower dirt floor with several coffins with face carvings. This cave has the best known examples of coffins with face carvings and the wood is in particularly good condition.


Bibliography 30/05/2020
  • DILOKWANICH, S.; ET AL. (2000) "An Exploration and Database System of the Caves, Mae Hong Son Province" 6 Vols. Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahidol University, Bangkok - STD39 DUNKLEY, JOHN ROBERT (1995) "The Caves of Thailand" Speleological Research Council, Sydney ISBN 0-9589253-9-9 SIDISUNTHORN, PINDAR; GARDNER, SIMON; SMART, DEAN (2006) "Caves of Northern Thailand" River Books, Thailand, ISBN 9749863135 SPIES, JOHN (2000) "Suggestions for Cave Management" in "An Exploration and Database System of Caves: Mae Hong Son Province" Vol. 6. Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahidol University, Bangkok

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