Tham Huai Chi Laeng [Cave of the Dry Stream] [CH0030]

Length 1602m Depth 60m
Grottocenter / carte


From the Lam Chi camp used by the 1989 expedition follow the main track east for 20 minutes to reach the first dry river bed. Then follow the left hand wall uphill northwards for 10 minutes to reach the obvious entrance. Martin Ellis - 19/06/2019


Martin Ellis - 19/06/2019

The 8m high, wide entrance is at the base of a cliff and is well decorated with old speleothems. A small passage on the left hand side of the entrance bay leads into a complex section of old phreatic rift passages which at one point emerges in a small entrance on the cliff front. The main way into the cave is at the back of the entrance bay, up a 2m climb over calcite into a well decorated and roomy passage. The passage splits, but rejoins at a 5m climb down a bank of boulder and sand infill. This drops into a large steeply descending passage. Right, up the slope, is a large boulder-filled collapse area with no way on. Left leads into a long meandering old stream passage with remnants of a false floor in the roof above. After approximately 1km the passage becomes impassably low.


Martin Ellis - 19/06/2019



Bibliography 19/06/2019
[Topo] Tham Huai Chi Laeng 28/04/2019


Tham Huai Chi Laeng was explored and surveyed by the 1989 British expedition. Martin Ellis - 19/06/2019

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