Tham Khang Khao 1 - LB0063

โคกตูม (TH)
Longueur 150m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


Located at the top of the hill about 100 m above and to the southwest of Wat Tham Erawan. Walk up the hill behind the temple. Martin Ellis - 17/02/2020


Martin Ellis - 17/02/2020

This is a large cave entered via a collapse feature. It has a string vertical component with skylights in the roof and shafts in the floor. The entrance leads over boulders to a large room filled with daylight. Ahead is a steep climb down to the three floor shafts (undescended due to lack of suitable equipment) and a network of small passages. To the left is a 3 m climb down boulders to a large horizontal passage. This leads to a large room/passage parallel with the first chamber. A route around to the right, through much bat guano, reaches the far end of this second room. Straight on from the end is a narrow rift/shaft requiring a rope. To the left is a low passage, which opens up into a third parallel chamber. At the end of here is an undescended shaft and a passage back to partway up the wall in the second chamber. Turning right leads to a skylight and a low crawl. There is a reasonably large colony of Eonycteris spelaea in the cave (c. 500 individuals) and much fresh guano. This guano has been collected by locals in the past. In the cave entrance, good examples of light-oriented phytokarst can be seen.


Martin Ellis - 17/02/2020

Bats Eonycteris spelaea


Martin Ellis - 17/02/2020

SMART, DEAN (2005) - Grade UISv2 1-1-F


[Topo] Tham Khang Khao 1 07/05/2019
Bibliography 17/02/2020


2005-01-22 D. Smart, N. Naksathit et al. - surveyed cave Martin Ellis - 17/02/2020

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1Tham Erawan - LB0052
0.1Thewa Phithak (Tham) [LB0086]
0.3Kratang Mai (Tham) [LB0064]300
0.5Tham Sombat - LB00711000
0.5Tham Phra Si - LB0065800
0.6Small Cave [LB0062]250
0.7Tham Tukae - LB00661000
1.0Tham Khang Khao 2 - LB00751510
1.1Tham Ariyasat Si - LB006748638