Gardan-i- Dewan - Ghulghani karst spring

(ولسوالی حصه اول بهسود - AF)
Grottocenter / carte


The spring lies in the Kabul rud (Kabul River valley) and somewhere in the vicinity of a spot that is found (or lost) at a distance of approximately 35 km upstream (i.e. about west) of –>Saray Cheshmesh (on PI42-06 in Jalrez district, note 1) and somewhere between Gardan-i- Dewan (note 2) and at the unidentified Gulghani (note 3) in Jalrez district, Nirkh district or Maydan Shahr district. BTH - 28/01/2024


General description

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A bubbling karst spring was said to rise from a very thin and about 45 m wide vein of crystalline limestone, which is perfectly conformable with the enclosing strata of slate. The water is deeply impregnated with iron saline matter, and abundance of carbonic acid gas [carbon dioxide], that caused the whole to effervesce as though it was boiling. This spring has many medical virtues attributed by the natives, and is extensively used as a tonic, particularly for impaired powers of digestion, to which I have no doubt it proves servicable. Its temperature is 51° Fahr. [10.6°C] … (LORD, B P 1838: 531).


Bibliography 06/01/2018
  • Lord, B P 1838.


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
12.7SAR CHESHMESH karst spring
13.2Mian-i- Irak (Caves at)
17.9Qal'Eh-ye Safid (Cave at)
44.3Karapah Road, Murdar Dand - Gandawah (Caves on the)
44.5PROMETHEUS, Shibar Pass (Cavern of)
45.2CHEHEL SOTUN, Jalrez (Cave of the)
48.3Kotak (Cave at)
51.2SHAH NASIR (Cave of)