(Shella Bholaganj - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

An unspecified cave entrance (unidentified shape, unidentified dimensions, unidentified orientation, unidentified characteristics) and spring of no water is said to give access to a cave passage represented by a flat out tube to standing chamber (Harper 2002.04.31 Mss -megahlay.doc- entry # 11). ETYMOLOGY: No locally known name has been identified for a seasonal spring of water rising above the locally western (orographically right) bank of a river. Sportsmen christened this cave and spring Tyllap River Resurgence as if a river flowing past the village of Tyllab would reappear here on the surface of the earth after having disappeared somewhere out there (note 1). SITUATION 2002a: A local guide is essential to explain how to follow a … track from [Mawlong] village to Tyllap River valley true right bank -- follow at stream level to obvious large dry resurgence (Harper 2002.04.31 Mss -megahlay.doc- entry # 11). SITUATION 2002b: The GPS position recorded for this spring of no water indicaes a spot which lies about 120 m in a direct line west of the –>Tyllab Spring and thus at a hydrographical location the upper reaches of –>AA Cave, Tyllab, 1st and –>AA Cave, Tyllab, 2nd. CAVE DESCRIPTION: Flat out tube to standing chamber entered at RHS base of cliff. Length [10 m] and depth [none noted] estimated (Harper 2002.04.31 Mss -megahlay.doc- entry # 11). PROSPECTS: Considering the geographical and hydrographical situation, the prospects seem to be inspiring but all ways on are small and apparently choked (Boycott undated 2001 February Mss: Tyllap Dry Resurgence).es a spot which lies about 120 m in a direct line west of the –>Tyllab Spring and thus at a hydrographical location the upper reaches of –>AA Cave, Tyllab, 1st and –>AA Cave, Tyllab, 2nd. CAVE DESCRIPTION: Flat out tube to standing chamber entered at RHS base of cliff. Length [10 m] and depth [none noted] estimated (Harper 2002.04.31 Mss -megahlay.doc- entry # 11). PROSPECTS: Considering the geographical and hydrographical situation, the prospects seem to be inspiring but all ways on are small and apparently choked (Boycott undated 2001 February Mss: Tyllap Dry Resurgence).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2001.02.01: unidentified guides and communicators (no names mentioned) guided Boycott, Antony 'Tony', Rob Harper, Helen Harper and Stuart McManus to a spring of water (exsurgence) rising from a cave passage. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1TYLLAP CAVE, 1st (aa -)
0.1TYLLAP SPRING (Harper 2001) (aa -)
0.2TYLLAP CAVE, 2nd (aa -)
1.0SODOIT (Krem)
1.7SHOH SHIAP 1 (Krem)
1.7SHOH SHIAP 2 (Krem)
1.7SANGLET (Krem)
2.1WAH JAHPOH (Krem)