Azdha of Bihsud

(ولسوالی مرکز بهسود - AF)
Grottocenter / carte


Near the sources of the Logar in Besud (HOLDICH 1910 edited 2002: 379). This location is a bit puzzling insofar as the Logar Rud (note 2) rises not near but 120 km in a direct line east of Besud (note 3). HOLDICH (1910 edited 2002: 379) reached the Azdha of Besud by following MASSON (ubi?) and by leaving Kabul across the lovely plain of Chardeh and the well-known route to Argandi [note 4] and over the Safed Khak Pass [note 5] to the foot of the divide which is crossed by the Unai [note 6] … Instead of striking straight across the Helmund [Helmand] at Gardandiwal [note 7] by the direct route to Bamian, the party followed the course of the Helmund, then fringed with rose bushes and willows, passing through a dlightfully picturesque country […] after much wandering in unknown parts on the banks of the Helmund, at a point which is difficult to identify. […] At a place called Shaitana [note 8] they were still south of the Helmund, and in the course of their progress through Besud visited the sources of the Logar. Near these sources is the Azdha of Besud … The only -Azd…- or -Azhd…- falling on AIMS sheet PI42-06 (AMS sheet NI42-06) is the stream Sela-i- Azdar N34°11': E067°55' about 50 km in a direct line north-west of Gardan Dival (also: Hesah-e Awal Behsud, Hisah-i-Awali Bihsud). BTH - 03/08/2024


Brief description

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

What appears to represent one of the few true fossil caves of the world, is Azdha of Besud, the petrified dragon slain by Hazrat Ali (note 1), a volcanic formation stretching its white length 170 yards [155 m], exhaling sulphurous odours (HOLDICH 1910 edited 2002: 379).


Bibliography 06/01/2018
  • Holdich, Thomas Hunderford 1910 edited 2002.


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1832, late autum, early winter: Charles MASSON (ubi?) and Haji Khan (a Kakar soldier of fortune from Western Afghanistan): At a place called Shaitana they were still south of the Helmund [Helmand river], and in the course of their progess through Besud visited the sources of the Logar (HOLDICH 1910 edited 2002: 380) and the nearby Azdha of Besud. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
45.2SAR CHESHMESH karst spring
47.7Gardan-i- Dewan - Ghulghani karst spring
49.3Mian-i- Irak (Caves at)
56.0Qal'Eh-ye Safid (Cave at)
66.3GUNDAKI, Shekhabad - Bergi (Ghar)
69.3SHER, Shekhabad - Bergi (Ghar)
69.8Deo, Shekhabad - Bergi (Ghar)
70.0Deo, Shekhabad - Cijan (Ghar)
70.7KAKRAK VALLEY (Caves of the)