Crystal Cave

Longueur 0m Profondeur 0m
Approche ☆☆☆☆☆ Esthétisme ☆☆☆☆☆ Facilité de déplacement ☆☆☆☆☆
Grottocenter / carte


Crystal Cave is a cave in the British overseas territory of Bermuda. It is located in Hamilton Parish, close to Castle Harbour. Source : The Free Encyclopedia Wikipedia in English > "Crystal Cave, Bermuda" --,_Bermuda BTH - 30/09/2023


General Description

BTH - 30/09/2023

The cave is approximately 500 m long, and 62 m deep. The lower 19–20 m of the cave are below water level. The cave formed at a time when the sea level was lower; as the sea level rose, many cave formations which formed above water became submerged. The crystals are igneous. The area surrounding Harrington Sound (which lies to the south of Crystal Cave) is of limestone formation and is noted for its many subterranean waterways, through which the waters of the sound empty into the Atlantic Ocean. Crystal Cave is one of these, and, as its name suggests, is known for its beauty, with many stalactites, stalagmites and deep, clear pools. However, some crystal formations have been damaged by earthquakes in the distant past. Source : The Free Encyclopedia Wikipedia in English > "Crystal Cave, Bermuda" --,_Bermuda


A tourist attraction since 1907, it was discovered in 1905 by Carl Gibbons and Edgar Hollis, two 12-year-old boys searching for a lost cricket ball. Soon after, the Wilkinson family (the owners of the property since 1884) learned of the discovery. Mr. Percy Wilkinson lowered his 14-year-old son Bernard into it with a bicycle lamp on 140 feet of strong rope tied to a tree to explore the cave. An excursion to Crystal Cave also includes the neighbouring Fantasy Cave, with Fantasy being deeper (88 steps down). Fantasy Cave was reopened in the summer of 2001 with all the pathways rebuilt and re-illuminated by artificial lighting. It was discovered and opened about the same time as Crystal Cave, but was closed by the owners in the 1940s. Source : The Free Encyclopedia Wikipedia in English > "Crystal Cave, Bermuda" --,_Bermuda BTH - 30/09/2023

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
3576.7Carvão (Gruta do)2500
4582.9Flóki (Tunnel de)109613
4592.6Búri Cave1050
4634.4Laugarvatnshellar [Laugarvatnshellir]
4635.2Hellnahellir Cave1600
4642.4Paradise Cave [Paradísarhellir]