Tham Ban Nam Mut Resurgence - KA0480

Grottocenter / carte


Go through the village of Ban Nam Mut, over a stream carrying the water from Tham Ban Nam Mut. Take the second track on the left after less than 100 m and follow this to its end. Left takes you to a small group of houses and back to the stream. Follow upstream to the Tham Ban Nam Mut Resurgence. Martin Ellis - 22/09/2019


Martin Ellis - 22/09/2019

This is the resurgence for the Tham Ban Nam Mut stream. It had a flow of approximately 2 cumecs in May 1992.


Bibliography 22/09/2019
  • SMITH, RICHARD J. (ED.) (1995) "Exercise Tham Farang Thailand 1992 Report" Combined Services Caving Association 49pp

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Cave TF19 - KA03941414
0.6Tham Ban Nam Mut - KA02974161117
1.1Tham Phra - KA0168
1.5Tham Sua - KA0167
1.6Tham Phra - KA02982000
4.6Neramit (Tham) [KA0163]
4.8Cave KA0300 - KA0300
5.7Sawan (Tham) [KA0492]1500
9.1Tham Pisut - KA0495