Shaft KA0585

หนองบัว (TH)
Longueur 6m Profondeur 6m
Grottocenter / carte


The shaft is 50m east of Tham Sai Yoi. Martin Ellis - 29/09/2019


Martin Ellis - 29/09/2019

The shaft has been measured as 6m deep, but has very loose boulders at the top.

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1Tham Wang Ta Kien - KA004244423
0.8Tham Sai Yoi - KA0052
1.3Tham Bo - KA0058
2.6Tham Phra Tum - KA0064
2.7Tham Men - KA0057
3.4Tham Sung Chua Khrao - KA0056
3.4Tham Sane - KA0423
3.6Tham Phra - KA0040
3.8Tham an - KA0477