The noisy and (sometimes) spectacular blowhole gets its onomatopoetic name from the deep rumble one hears just before the water shoots up. According to CEYLON TRAVELLER (1984: 66-67) it is the only blowhole in Ceylon (renamed Sri Lanka) and the second of the six largest known in the world (no rivals mentioned). ETYMOLOGY: So far, I saw this sea cave called Hoom-mane CEYLON TRAVELLER (1984: 66-67) Ho-o-maniya LONELY PLANET, Sri Lanka (2003: 152) Hoo-aaniya BERGER (1992/93: 212-213) SITUATION 1984 (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1984: 66-67): About a mile or one or two kilometres beyond Mawella Kalapuwa (note 1) and near the 117th mile (1867 km) on the road from Matara (N05°56'55”: E080°32'34” WGS84) to Hambantota (N06°07': E081°07'), a narrow track to the right leads to the stentorian hoom-mane. SITUATION 1992 (after BERGER 1992/93: 212-213): Turning -right- (unidentified direction) short of milestone 116 (196 km from Colombo), you get to a sandy bay where it is possible to rent a boat from ishermen to get to Hoo-aaniya. SITUATION 2003 (LONELY PLANET, Sri Lanka 2003: 152): About 6 km north-east of Dikwella (note 2), near the 186 km post, a roadheads off for 1 km to the Ho-o-maniya blowhole. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1984 (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1984: 66-67): The orifice is at the top of a fissured cliff about 20 m or 25 m above sea level. At the bottom of this deep fissure is a flat rock covering the narrow channel which forms the cave into which the waves roll. The water, trapped by a surging sea, is forced upwards and shoots out through the small hole in the top. 'Hoom-mane' gives its most spectacular displays in June when the south-west monsoon is at its worst. A fountain of water shooting up to perhaps 15 m or 18 m, depending on the force of the waves, culminates in a mushroom-like formation which descends in a fine spray to drench you. Villagers say that when the sea is really rough, the spout even reaches up to a height of 'three coconut trees'. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1992 (BERER 1992/93: 212-213): Hoo-aaniya … ist ein höhlenartiger Gang an der Steilküste, in den die Brandungswellen mit ungeheurer Kraft gepresst werden. Diese Höhle besitzt einen Kamin, durch ihn wird das Wasser mit hohem Druck emporgedrückt, wobei ein hohles Geräusch ertönt, das man mit einem lauten -Hua- oder -Hoo- wiedergeben könnte. Wie durch ein Überdruckventil schießen die Wasserfontänen durch das Blasloch Hoo-aaniya bis zu 20 m in die Höhe. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2003 (LONELY PLANET, Sri Lanka 2003: 152): During the south-west monsoon (June is the best time) high seas can force water 23 m up through a natural chimney in the rocks and then spout out up to 18 m in the air. At other times the blowhole is disappointing [on the surface but accessible from below]. CAVE POTENTIAL: The intrepid, it is said, could walk into this cave during the calm seasons. Good luck to them! (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1984: 67).ER 1992/93: 212-213): Hoo-aaniya … ist ein höhlenartiger Gang an der Steilküste, in den die Brandungswellen mit ungeheurer Kraft gepresst werden. Diese Höhle besitzt einen Kamin, durch ihn wird das Wasser mit hohem Druck emporgedrückt, wobei ein hohles Geräusch ertönt, das man mit einem lauten -Hua- oder -Hoo- wiedergeben könnte. Wie durch ein Überdruckventil schießen die Wasserfontänen durch das Blasloch Hoo-aaniya bis zu 20 m in die Höhe. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2003 (LONELY PLANET, Sri Lanka 2003: 152): During the south-west monsoon (June is the best time) high seas can force water 23 m up through a natural chimney in the rocks and then spout out up to 18 m in the air. At other times the blowhole is disappointing [on the surface but accessible from below]. CAVE POTENTIAL: The intrepid, it is said, could walk into this cave during the calm seasons. Good luck to them! (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1984: 67).
Bibliography 06/01/2018- Berger, Karl-Wilhelm 1992/93; Ceylon Traveller 1974, 1983; Lonely Planet, Sri Lanka 2003.
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
31.8 | URUMUTTA (Cave at) | ||
31.8 | Weherahena Cave | ||
32.2 | KURANDAKA LENA | ||
41.2 | Koketuwa (Cave on) | ||
42.3 | BUTKANDA CAVE 2 | ||
42.3 | BUTKANDA CAVE 3 |