Kurje Diglam
NOTE 1: »Bumthan country« (STEIN 1988: 12) is indicated as »Bumthang« (dzongkhag = district) on the India Road Atlas (Eicher Goodearth 2006: 28 A2). NOTE 2: »Me 'bar mcho« (STEIN 1988: 12) or »Membartsho« (ALL, GROVES & KAMBESIS 2005: 356) translates as Burning LakeNOTE 3: »Kurje (sku rje)« (STEIN 1988: 12) is the Kurje monastery (in Tibetan: sKu-rjes lha khang) indicated as »Rewje Monastery« near N27°34': E090°43' on AMS sheet NG46-01 Tongsa Dzong (U502 series, 1960 edition) and as »Kurje« on India Road Atlas (Eicher Goodearth 2006: 28 A3).
»In central Bhutan, [the] Bumthan country [note 1] is compromised of four valleys. It holds the lake "Me 'bar mcho" [note 2] … In one of these valleys [Chockhor valley] the new (1902) and the old (1652) temple of Kurje (sku rje) [note 3] is found. In the back of the old temple two rocks of about one metre in height are put up. In between of the rocks is a passage [dwar]which cannot be passed by sinners« (STEIN 1988: 12). »Indications que je dois à M. Jest, à Mme Imaeda [i.e. Françoise Pommaret Imaeda] et à Mme Blondeau« (STEIN 1988: 12 note 35).
Bibliography 09/02/2016- Aris, Michael 1979; Olschak, Christine Blanche 1979; Stein, Rolf A 1988.
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
0.0 | PADMASAMBHAVA PHUG, Kurje | ||
5.7 | PADMASAMBHAVA PHUG, Membartsho | ||
11.6 | Dung Phug | ||
55.7 | A Diglam Thakpang | ||
62.7 | SINGYE DZONG PHUG, Lodrak | ||
79.8 | Dosum Diglam | ||
84.9 | GOM KHARA DIGLAM | ||
112.5 | Tak Tsang Senge Phug, Paro | ||
133.2 | Monpa (Cave of the) |