Tham Teeb Nui - KR0165

Grottocenter / carte


From the H4039 take the road to Ban Hin Rao. At 47P 462449 0924343 Khao Teeb Nui is signed 400 m to the north of the road. The site is a monk's campsite. Martin Ellis - 02/11/2019


Bibliography 02/11/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
2.8Tham Rot Tai - KR0060
2.9Cave KR0182 - KR0182
3.1Tham Khao Ta Krot - KR0008
3.4Tham Lagoon - KR0213200
3.6Hua Kalok Nua (Tham) [KR0097]2000
3.7Tham Phi Hua To - KR00191050
3.8Tham Lot Tai - KR00181260
3.8Song Phi Nong (Tham) [KR0221]
3.8Tham Khao Kluay - KR00032482