Khao San Hin 2 (Tham) [LO0161]

Grottocenter / carte


The wat is on the other side of the hill from Wat Tham Khuha Wari. From Ban Pha Sana take the road/track southwards which runs along the eastern side of Phu Pha Sana. The good track ends at the wat and this cave is straight ahead where the track reaches the cliff. There are two ways from the wat up to the caves. One is a footpath along the hill and the other leads up the iron stairs with more then 300 steps. Martin Ellis - 24/03/2020


Martin Ellis - 24/03/2020

To the left of the Tham Khao San Hin main cave some concrete steps lead up to an enclosure outside a second cave. This has a locked gate, but the wall can be climbed over. Wooden stais lead up to the meditation cave, but this has a locked door.


Bibliography 24/03/2020

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Khao San Hin (Tham) [LO0115]751
0.0Cave LO0190603
0.0Cave [LO0187]13036
0.6LO0142 (Cave)50
1.1Phra That Chedi (Tham) [LO0147]
1.1Jaeng (Tham) [LO0117]75
1.1Tham Khuha Wari 2 - LO006420
1.1Pha Pak Om (Tham) [LO0111]1679
1.1Tham Nguep - LO0059362