MAHABON, Chiehruphi, 2nd, entrance b (Krem)

(Khliehriat - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 17/04/2016

An estimated 15 m long and small rift aligned north-west (320°) - south-east (160°). Situated roughly 5 m west of Krem Mohubon 2a, and near Chiehruphi and west of the kilometre stone 120 of the Jowai - Sonapur road (NH44).


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1998.03.05: Lucky Dkhar and Robert Lal from Chiehruphi guided Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Jennifer 'Jenni' or 'Jenny' A. Brooks and Annette Susanne Becher to a yet one more of the cave entrances collectively recorded as »Krem Mahabon« (Kharpran Daly B D, Brooks J A & Becher S A 1998.03.05 personal communication). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 17/04/2016

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0MAHABON, Chiehruphi, 2nd, entrance a (Krem)
0.1MAHABON, Chiehruphi, 4th (Krem)
0.1MAHABON, Chiehruphi, 3rd (Krem)
0.2MAHABON, Chiehruphi, 1st (Krem)
0.5CITRUS CAVE (aa -)
0.5UMKHLAW, Chiehruphi (Krem)
0.5UR BLANG, Lumshnong: Chiehruphi (Krem)
0.6Umtyra (Krem)
0.6SHRIEH, Chiehruphi (Thloo)