(Pynursla - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 30/03/2016

A south facing, triangular shaped cave entrance in limestone, up to 1.8 m high and 6 m wide, is obliterated behind the culvert of the road that passes in front of the cave entrance, and is said to give access to a solitary cave passage, about 1 m high and 1.5 m wide, which runs parallel to the road following the east-west aligned base of the hillside. Some 5 m into the cave entrance and still in the twilight zone, there is a »sump« or wet spot (beware of water) can easily be bypassed. The following cave passage is surveyed up to a length of 60 m, after a further crawl of about 30 m another »sump« can be reached, beyond which the seasonally active cave passage continues unexplored. A few metres short of the second sump, daylight from above can be seen entering a relatively small hole of unknown size. ETYMOLOGY: The Khasi "khriang" (noun) has been translated by »a rapid; a shallow current [of water]« (SINGH, N 1906: 35); »a torrent« (SINGH, N 1920: 533).SITUATION: About 500 m east of Nongjri Bazar, about one third of the way to Krem –>Lymput, and at a place where a sandstone caprock dips by about 45° south-east.


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1998.02.20: Georg Bäumler, Ian E. Chandler, Jennifer 'Jenni' or 'Jenny' A. Brooks and Sher Singh, assisted by Raphael Warjri and his son Refulgent Kharnaior visited and mapped, surveyed and explored. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 30/03/2016

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.7PRIANG, Nongjri - Therria (Krem)
1.0LUM BNAI (Krem)
1.0LUBON - LUM BNAI (Krem)
1.0WAH THYLLONG, Nongjri - Therria (Krem)
1.2LYMPUT (Krem)
1.3MAWKANONG, Wah Thyllong (Krem)