(Ranikor - IN)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 04/07/2016

An unspecified cave is reputed to be sometimes closed by a rock-slab sliding-door some 200 m from the cave entrance. ETYMOLOGY: »Shibong« is not identified unless it corresponds to "shipong" the »length --from one joint to another« (SINGH, N 1906: 195). SITUATION 1997: Kharpran Daly (1997 Mss, item no. 8) was told Krem Wah Shibong lies on the Wah Shibong, a stream somewhere in the vicinity of »Nongkyllam« (note 1). SITUATION 2002: Brooks (2002.05.25 Mss) according to hearsay information gained on »14/2/1« (14th February 2001) from so-called »locals« (resident people without identified names) either at the villages of »Nongallon« (note 2), 9 km east of Kulang (note 3) or at Nongjri (8 km east of Kulang) on ), »the caves Rangbyriong, Rongdangniong and Wah Shibong are located near Chebak« (Chibak). CAVE POTENTIAL: Till today it remains fully inexplicable why »one of these caves is likely to be Krem Rongbaljong and the others may be other entrances to it« (Brooks 2002.05.25 Mss).

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 04/07/2016

NOTE 1: »Nongkyllam« (Kharpran Daly 1997 Mss item 8) is the village of Nongkhyllam (N25°14'40”: E091°08'30” WGS84). NOTE 2: »Nongallon« (Brooks 2002.05.25 Mss) is the village of Nongkhyllam (N25°14'40”: E091°08'30” WGS84). NOTE 3: »Kulang« (Brooks 2002.05.25 Mss) is the village (in Garo: nong) indicated on the Survey of India sheet as the village (in Garo: nong) of »Kulang 1840« (78-O/04, One-Ich series, 1912 edition) and as »Kulang 1840« (78-O/04, One-Ich series, 1912 edition) near (circa ±500 m) N25°14'50”: E091°04'05”: 560.8 m asl (WGS84 modified from N25°14'50”: E091°04'15” Everest 1830). It is also spelled »Nongkulang« (GODWIN AUSTEN 1869) or »Nonkalong« (MEDLICOTT 1869a: 9 = 159) and »Nongkyllam« (Kharpran Daly 1997 Mss item no. 3).


Bibliography 04/07/2016


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1997.02.16-17: Brian D. Kharpran Daly (1997 Mss item no. 8) recorded the cave name »Krem Wah Shibong.« 1998.02.16-17: KHARPRAN DALY (2006 s.a.: 19): »Nongkulang … During a recce on the 16th and 17th February 1998, members of the Meghalaya Adventurers' Association recorded the name of … Krem Wah Shibong.« Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 04/07/2016

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Ere Mawhar (Krem)
0.0IAWRIMAI (Krem)
0.0LANGIUMAW (Kharpran Daly 1997) (Krem)
0.0MAWKSIAR, Wah Kynshi (Krem)
0.0MUKAM, Mawpyllun (Krem)