Es Skhoun (Rhar)

El Mehir ⵍⴻⵎⵀⵉⵔ المهير (Daïra Mansourah - DZ)
Longueur 1750m Profondeur 131m
Grottocenter / carte


Michael Laumanns - 28/11/2015

(Azerou el Kébir, Bibans range, Bordj Bou Arreridj) Co-ordinates: X649,6 Y319.2. Alt. 630 m. Formed in Cenomanian dolomite. Explored from 1978 to 1982 by French-Belgian teams. The high temperature of 30 to 32°C inside the cave made exploration very difficult (hydrothermal cave). Courbon (1982) reported a length of 2,000 m. Actual length according to Collignon (1992, 1997). Plan according to Collignon (1983a).

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
2.4Medjraba (Rhar)150083
3.2Amalou (Rhar)200068
36.1Gueldaman (Grottes de)
37.5Anou Boussouil [Gouffre d'Assouel] [Gouffre d'Assouil]3200805
39.1Anou Ifflis [Anu n'Iffis] [Gouffre du Léopard] [Leopard]20001200
298.3Kef (Ghar)2028168
464.0Babouche Dhab
485.5El Hewiya (Grotte)
512.8Su Mannau (Grotta di)