KHUM TANGI (Boycott 1997), 1st (Cave in the)
An estimated 12 m long cave passage (up to 3 m wide and 6 m high) contains dripstone formations (speleothems: flowstone?) on its western cave wall. SITUATION: Less than 500 m downstream into Khun Tangi [Khum Tangi] and in the back of a tributary from the orographic right (west). Here, at a distance of 100 m upstream from the -junction- (confluence of the tributary to the main water course), a waterfall joins the tributary from the north. IDENTITY: Possibly identical with the likewise 12 m long cave in –>Khum Tangi 2 [1990.08], about 400 m into the tangi, which, however is said to lie on the opposite (east/left) side of the tangi.
EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1997.11.09: Boycott, Antony 'Tony' quickly explored and sketched, estimating extensions / dimensions (to be divided by a factor 2 or 3).