TANGNUB (Krem poh)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

There is an unstable 12 m shaft among three parallel pitches, each about 8 m deep (note 1) or several connecting or interconnected rift pots and meanders which drain a locally limited catchment area (Arbenz, T 2009.04.08 Mss: Krem Poh Tangnub). ETYMOLOGY: No locally known name has been identified for what was first nicknamed Cave below Tangnub and then alienated into an apparently local but actually locally unknown Krem poh Tangnub (Arbenz, T 2009.04.08 Mss: Krem Poh Tangnub). Thomas Arbenz, however, wants the christening process the other way round and narrates how … this cave was named Krem poh Tangnub, or Cave below Tangnub (undated amendment to Brooks, S J et al. 2009.02 Mss -Diary 2009.doc- Wednesday 11th February). SITUATION: On the eastern flank of the Shnongrim ridge and about two thirds down east along the motorable track which descends from the village of Tangnub (church near N25°18'07”: E092°18'06” WGS84) to the level country and paddy fields above the west (orographicaly left) bank of the Litang river. In a gully on the west side of the road from the Um Muju area [note 2] to Tangnub (Arbenz in: Brooks, S J et al. 2009.02 Mss -Diary 2009.doc- Wednesday 11th February). APPROACH (Arbenz, T 2009.04.08 Mss: Krem Poh Tangnub): At the eastern entrance to the village of Tangnub, take the 4WD-track down to Pynthor [note 3] and Umte [note 4]. About two thirds down to the valley floor, the track crosses a distinct patch of level and -criss-crossed” limestone pavement. Just before the track intersects a seasonal stream [without identified name] starts a bit above the track and runs to the south-west. Follow the stream bed for about 40 m. Here, the stream splits up in several branches, -falling” into several rift pots, including a big and open but unstable 12 m shaft. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2009.04.08 (modified after Arbenz, T 2009.04.08 Mss: Krem Poh Tangnub): Out of several possible descends, the deepest rift pot drops about 14 or 15 m down into a horizontal level f cave passages where connections to adjacent rifts and meanders were found on 12th February 2009 to be blocked not only by sand or gravel but also by a nicely orchestrated mass of big spiders less than 0.8 m wide and 0.5 m high. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2009.02.12: A rift entrance drops 14 m down into some 20 m of surveyed meander, which continues unexplored, contained (12th February 2009) a nasty looking spider brigade and was decided to lure with average prospects at it's best (Thomas Arbenz in: Brooks, S J et al. 2009.02 Mss -Diary 2009.doc- Thursday 12th February). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2009: Three parallel pitches, each about 8 m deep. A clean washed floor and a meander could be seen (Arbenz in: Brooks, S J et al. 2009.02 Mss -Diary 2009.doc- Wednesday 11th February).PROSPECTS (Arbenz, T 2009.04.08 Mss: Krem Poh Tangnub): An ongoing passage [0.8 m wide, 0.5 m low] is still to be explored. Also the open shaft and the area -beyond and downstream” is to be searched for more cave entrances. TAKLE: According to Arbenz, T (2009.04.08 Mss: Krem Poh Tangnub), the cave entrance can be free climbed but a hand line and a jammer are advisable for the way back up (note 5). CULTURAL HISTORY: Though Arbenz, T (2009.04.08 Mss: Krem Poh Tangnub) recorded none known he clearly points out that the intitial impulses of arachnophobic cave tourists in search of recreational adventures get modified in the face of the extraordinary mass of big spiders. CAVE CLIMATE: Thomas Arbenz, Jean-Pierre Bartholeyns, Bridget Hall and Cdr Arnab Das (Commander, Indian Navy) observed on 12th February 2009 (no time mentioned) not much of an air current and recoded only slight draught (Thomas Arbenz in: Brooks, S J et al. 2009.02 Mss -Diary 2009.doc- Thursday 12th February). CAVE LIFE: Thomas Arbenz, Jean-Pierre Bartholeyns, Bridget Hall and Cdr Arnab Das (Commander, Indian Navy) enjoyed watching a military review exercising on a subterranean drill ground where spiders (Arachnidae: Aranea: Sparassidae: conf. eteropoda sp.) behaved as if they were … clearly aggressive -- moving in unison towards the cavers, somehow attacking as a team imposing a much bigger animal. This has never been observed to date (Arbenz in: Brooks, S J et al. 2009.02 Mss -Diary 2009.doc- Thursday 12th February). Arbenz, T (2009.04.08 Mss: Krem Poh Tangnub) confirms the underground presence of an extraordinary mass of big spiders which gave the impression of wanting to attack cavers by moving towards them in a kind of unison, orchestrated way --a fact that has never been heard or seen of (note 6).KLE: According to Arbenz, T (2009.04.08 Mss: Krem Poh Tangnub), the cave entrance can be free climbed but a hand line and a jammer are advisable for the way back up (note 5). CULTURAL HISTORY: Though Arbenz, T (2009.04.08 Mss: Krem Poh Tangnub) recorded none known he clearly points out that the intitial impulses of arachnophobic cave tourists in search of recreational adventures get modified in the face of the extraordinary mass of big spiders. CAVE CLIMATE: Thomas Arbenz, Jean-Pierre Bartholeyns, Bridget Hall and Cdr Arnab Das (Commander, Indian Navy) observed on 12th February 2009 (no time mentioned) not much of an air current and recoded only slight draught (Thomas Arbenz in: Brooks, S J et al. 2009.02 Mss -Diary 2009.doc- Thursday 12th February). CAVE LIFE: Thomas Arbenz, Jean-Pierre Bartholeyns, Bridget Hall and Cdr Arnab Das (Commander, Indian Navy) enjoyed watching a military review exercising on a subterranean drill ground where spiders (Arachnidae: Aranea: Sparassidae: conf. eteropoda sp.) behaved as if they were … clearly aggressive -- moving in unison towards the cavers, somehow attacking as a team imposing a much bigger animal. This has never been observed to date (Arbenz in: Brooks, S J et al. 2009.02 Mss -Diary 2009.doc- Thursday 12th February). Arbenz, T (2009.04.08 Mss: Krem Poh Tangnub) confirms the underground presence of an extraordinary mass of big spiders which gave the impression of wanting to attack cavers by moving towards them in a kind of unison, orchestrated way --a fact that has never been heard or seen of (note 6).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2009.02.11: Thomas Arbenz, Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Cdr Arnab Das (Commander, Indian Navy), Cdr Vijay Chhikara (Commander, Indian Navy) and Biranchi Narayan Bhola (Leading Store Assistant,Indian Navy) came across three parallel pitches, each about 8 m deep which were found in … a gully on the west side of the road from the Um Muju area to Tangnub. A clean washed floor and a meander could be seen but was not followed up. This cave was named Krem poh Tangnub, or Cave below Tangnub (modified after Arbenz in: Brooks, S J et al. 2009 Mss 'Diary 2009.doc' Wednesday 11th February). Thomas Arbenz, Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Arnab Das, V. Chhikara, and B.N. Bhola came across cave entrances on their way from Krem Wah Tepbru back to the village of Tangnub and recorded the reading of a GPS position (Arbenz, T 2009.04.08 Mss: Krem Poh Tangnub). 2009.02.12: Thomas Arbenz, Jean-Pierre Bartholeyns, Bridget Hall and Cdr Arnab Das (Commander, Indian Navy) … dropped 14 m down a riftentrance pitch. 40 m of passage was surveyed to the bottom of a shaft, where they encountered a nasty looking spider brigade in a meander … which was decided not only to continue with only slight air draught but also judged prospects look average (Brooks, S J et al. 2009 Mss 'Diary 2009.doc' Thursday 12th February). They rigged the most likely entrance rift pot, partially surveyed it and had to retreat due to a alleged spider attack. (Arbenz, T 2009.04.08 Mss: Krem Poh Tangnub). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.6LOOSE HOLE (Rockcliff 2009)
0.7DAK DAK (Bayley 2002) (Krem)
0.7Wah Tepbru (Krem)
0.8CANYON SINK (aa -)
0.8LITTLE CAVE (Brooks 2009)
0.8LARGE CAVE (Brooks 2009)
0.8Honeycomb Cave 1
0.8HONEYCOMB CAVE 3 (aa -)