SHIV KHORI, Ransoo, Ransu, Ransuh

(Sunderbani - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 22/05/2016

A flight of sturdily railed and very conrete cement steps ascend to an initially wide open cave entrance (unidentified dimensions some 6 m wide and high, unidentified orientation) in limestone, which is not only decorated with RCC-shacks, corrugated iron sheets, dangling wires, prayer flags and a few loud bronze bells but also gives access to a natural temple cave, which is not only sacred to Shiva, exploited as a religious show cave, illuminated by naked bulbs and contains speleothems but also is characterised by an outer cave chamber (up to 6 m wide, 6.7 m wide and 24 m long), which can hold some dozens of people at one time, from where one »crawl« (GANHAR s.a. circa 1973) or »very congested center« ( 08/03/2010, accessed 2010.12.22) leads to a comparatively smaller, inner cave chamber while another continuation, officially unexplored, leads to a fabulous, only much more than 150 km long and absurd tunnel that ends already at –>Amarnath Cave (N34°13'30”: E075°31'30”). ETYMOLOGY: Shiv Khori, literally translates as»Shiva's farm, farmstead« but we are told that »Khori means cave (Guffa) and thus Shiv Khori denotes Shiva's cave« ( 08/03/2010, accessed 2010.12.22). SITUATION 1973: GANHAR, J N (s.a. circa 1973: 61-62) places Shiv Khori in »Reasi tehsil« (Riasi district): The sacred cave is accessible with motorized vehicles from Paoni (note 1) on the road from Rajauri / Rajaori (note 2) to Riasi (note 3) via Barakh (note 4), some 7 km from Paoni, to »Ransuh« (note 5, about 10.5 km from Paoni) from where a path ascends moderately for about 6 km (there and back again?) in an unidentified direction (north?) to Shiv Khori (note 6). The site can also be approached by the road which branches off at Siot (note 7) on the Sundar Bani (note 8) - Rajaori road to Kalakote (note 9). SITUATION 2010: »Shiv Khori is … located in village Ransoo of Pouni block in tehsil Reasi of the Udhampur district, which attracts lakhs of devotees in a year. Shiv Khori is situated in between the hillocks about 140 km north of Jammu, 120 km from Udhampur and 80 km from Katra. Buses and light vehicles go up to Ransoo, the base camp of pilgrimage surrounded by lush green mountains. People have to traverse about 3 km track on foot …« ( 08/03/2010, accessed 2010.12.22). ACCESS: »The cave is a real wonder to be seen which according to the people is unending … Yatries are allowed to go only upto 130 meters. Rest part of the cave is still a mystery as no one could go further due to lack of oxygen [bullshit]« ( 08/03/2010, accessed 2010.12.22). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2010.03: »The cave is in the shape of Lord Shiva's Damroo i.e. wide at the two ends while very congested at the center. The width of the cave is so less at certain place that a person can barely crawl through whereas at places it over a hundred feet wide and quite high too. … The opening of cave is a mammonth hall of nearly 20 feet [6.1 m] wide and 22 feet [6.7 m ] high. It is nearly 80 feet [24.4 m] in length. While entering into this mesmerizing hall one can see the natural depiction of gigantic snake like formation believe to be Sheshnag. Pigeons are also seen here like Amarnath cave. After crossing the narrow passage, yatry [pilgrim, tourist] reaches in the main cave area where sanctum sanctorum is situated [note 10]. The open part of cave has a four feet [1.2 m] high naturally formed Shiv-lingam [sic!] at the heart of the Sanctum Sanctorum. Just above the shivlingam [sic!] a cow like formation is visible believe to be Kamdhenu and can be identified by her udders. The natural water dripping from nipples of udders on the Shivlingum [sic!] symbolizes the eternity of the holy river Ganga [note 11]. There are many features, which can be observed in the cave; however, the best of them is the natural water dripping from the top to the Shivlingum [note 12]« ( 08/03/2010). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2010.07: »The cave is a real wonder to be seen which according to the people is unending and believed to have led to Swami Amar Nath cave in Kashmir. As per assessment of local people, it measures nearly half a kilometer in length but Yatries are allowed to go only upto 130 meters. Rest part of the cave is still a mystery as no one could go further due to lack of oxygen. It is believed that some Sadhus who dared to go ahead never returned. The cave is in the shape of Lord Shiva’s Damroo i.e. wide at the two ends while very congested at the center. The width of the cave is so less at certain place that a person can barely crawl through whereas at places it over a hundred feet wide and quite high too« (… 2011.10.27). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1973: »The passage from the outer to the inner chamber is very low and narrow. At one spot it divides itself into two. One of these is believed to have led to Kashmir. It is now closed as some saddhus who dared it, never returned. The other passage leads to the inner cave in the centre of which is the swayambhu image of Shiva, about 3 feet high. The cave roof is etched with snake-like formations [ceiling karren? or "bacon" speleothems?] with teat-like protuberances. Water drips through these latter on the Shiva lingam [sic!] in the cave« (GANHAR s.a., circa 1973: 61-62). SPELEOMETRY: »As per assessment of local people, it measures nearly half a kilometer in length but Yatries are allowed to go only upto 130 meters« ( 08/03/2010). »It's a kilometer-long cave with a natural Shiva lingam at the end, made out of a stalagmite« (Sharell Cook,, accessed 2012.04.15)CULTURAL HISTORY -- fabulous tunnel: Starting at the inner cave chamber is a fabulous underground tunnel continues either all the way to "Kashmir" (GANHAR s.a. circa 1973), probably in the sense of Srinagar (N34°05': E074°50'), barely 108 km in a direct line NNE distant, or is »believed to have led to right up to Swami Amar Nath cave [Amarnath Cave, N34°13'30”: E075°31'30”] in Kashmir« ( 08/03/2010, accessed 2010.12.22), only 150 km in a direct line NE. CULTURAL HISTORY -- exit cave: Decades ago »… some saddhus who dared it [the fabulous tunnel], never returned« (GANHAR, J N s.a. circa 1973) but nowadays »it is believed that some Sadhus who dared to go ahead never returned« ( 08/03/2010). CAVE LIFE: An unidentified kind of »Pigeons are also seen here like Amarnath cave« ( 08/03/2010).

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 22/05/2016

NOTE 1: »Pauni« (GANHAR s.a. circa 1973) or »Pouni« ( 08/03/2010, accessed 2010.12.22) is indicated as »Paoni« N33°05': E074°42' on AMS sheet NI43-10 Punch (U502 Series, 1960 edition). NOTE 2: »Rajouri« (GANHAR s.a. circa 1973) is positioned not only as »Rajaori« but also as »Rajauri« near N33°23': E074°18' ( accessed 16.11.2003) and indicated as »Rajaori« on AMS sheet NI43-10 Punch (U502 Series, 1960 edition) but as »Rajauri« on the India Road Atlas (Eicher Goodearth 2006: 2 B4). »There are four authorized routes for European visitors to Cashmere … The principal road from the plains by Bimbhur and Rajaoree. This road over the "Peer Punjal" range is not open until May, and is closed by snow at the beginning of November: it is the old imperial route, and the stages are marked by the remains of serais« (KNIGHT, W H 1863 Diary: note 2). Leaving »Chungas, a picturesque old serai, perched upon a hill over the river … another ride through hill and dale to "Rajaori," or "Rampore," a most picturesque-looking town, built in every possible style of architecture, and flanked at one extremity by a ruined castle. Our halting-place was in an ancient serai, with a dilapidated garden, containing the remains of some rather handsome fountains. It was situated on a rock, several hundred feet above the river which separated us from the town; and, from our elevated position, we had a fine view of the whole place, and got an insight into the manners and customs of the inhabitants, without their being at all aware of our proximity. … After enjoying a delightfully cool night in our elevated bedroom, we started for Thanna« (KNIGHT, W H 1863 Diary: 1860 June 16). NOTE 3: »Reasi« (GANHAR s.a. circa 1973) near N33°05': E074°50' (AMS sheet NI43-10) is indicated as »Riasi 585« on the India Road Atlas (Eicher Goodearth 2006: 2 B4). NOTE 4: »Barkh« (GANHAR s.a. circa 1973) is indicated as »Barakh« near N33°06': E074°39' on AMS sheet NI43-10 Punch (U502 series, 1960 edition). NOTE 5: »Ransu« (GANHAR s.a. circa 1973) or »Ransoo« ( 08/03/2010, accessed 2010.12.22) is indicated as »Ransuh« near (±2 km) N33°08': E74°37' on AMS sheet NI43-10 Punch (U502 series, 1960 edition). NOTE 6: »Khori« (GANHAR s.a. circa 1973) is, perhaps, indicated as »Khorbani« near N33°14': E074°38' on AMS sheet NI43-10 Punch (U502 series, 1960 edition). NOTE 7: Siot N33°06'30”: E074°23' ( accessed 16.11.2003). NOTE 8: »Sunderbani« (GANHAR s.a. circa 1973) is positioned as »Sundal Bani« near N33°02'40”: E074°29'40” ( accessed 16.11.2003). NOTE 9: »Kalakote« (GANHAR s.a. circa 1973) is not identified. NOTE 10: Garbha griha, garbhagriha (preclassical, "Vedic" Sanskrit), literally "womb house"; the innermost sanctified chamber, holiest, sanctum sanctorum of any Hindu temple or sacred 'cave' (natural templecave or man-made rock-cut 'cave' temple). In Christian Latin: adytum. Access is often restricted by a dwar of limited size and / or unlimited conventions. In the Hindu world, each mountain with a cave is a map of the universe. Essentially, the cave represents the womb from which space, light, man and cows emerged. The mountain, which is representative of the cosmic Mount Meru, supports the heavens and shelters man. The same vertical axis provides a temple: The garbha griha at the centre is an unadorned space. This provides a residence for the deity to which the temple is dedicated. Above the shrine rises a superstructure known as shikara in North India and vimana in South India. Cave and mountain are linked by an axis that rises vertically from the shrine's icon to the finial atop the towering spire (STEIN, Rolf A 1988; MOOKERJEE, A 1988: 12, 32; LONELY PLANET, India 2001: 71; 2003: 61). NOTE 11: STEIN, R A (1988: 22) never ever had been anywhere close to »Shiv Khori« but nevertheless decided that the "swayambhu" (self-arisen) lingam is »doubtless a stalagmite« (speleothem). Allowing doubts, however, it seems likely that »teat-like protuberances« (GANHAR s.a., circa 1973) or »nipples of udders« ( 08/03/2010, accessed 2010.12.22) combined with water dripping onto a »Shiva lingam« GANHAR (s.a., circa 1973) »shivlingam« (dated 08/03/2010) »Shiv-lingam« (dated 08/03/2010) »Shivlingum« (dated 08/03/2010) can be interpreted to possibly represent a pair of communicating speleothems represented by a stalactite above a stalagmite.NOTE 12: »To the left of Shivlingam Maa Parwati is sitting whose image can be identified by impression of her holy feet. Along the image of Maa Parwati, Gauri kund is also visible which is always full of holy water. Image of Kartikeya is also seen in left of Shivlingam. At nearly 2.5 feet above the Kartikeya, image of five headed Ganesha is clearly visible. To the right side of Shivlingam one can see Ramdarbar having images of Lord Ram, Lakhshman, Sita and Hanuman. The whole cave is abounds with a number of other natural images which have been described as images of 33 crores hindu deities and their vahanaas. The cave roof is etched with snake like formations, the water trickles through these in the cave. 'Three pronged lance' (Trishul), 'Oum' and the 'Six Mouthed Sheshnaga' (Shkshthamukhi Sheshnag) are seen on the roof of the cave. The main part of cave roof has round cutting mark signifying construction of cave by Sudarshan Chakra of Lord Vishnu. In the second half of the main chamber Mahakali & Maha Sarswati is present. The potsherd of Mahakali is always full of holy water, which devotees use to sprinkle on themselves. Little above from the Mahakali, Panch - Pandava are present in natural rock form (pindies). Infront of the Mahakali on other wall of cave, natural rock image of Lord Shiva lieing down on floor is visible. A holy foot of Maa Kali is also visible on body of lord shiva. The whole environment inside the cave is so mesmerizing that a devotee feel himself in abode of god's place and whole nature appears turned spiritual« ( 08/03/2010, accessed 2010.12.22).


Bibliography 22/05/2016
  • Ganhar, J N s.a. circa 1973; Knight, William Henry 1863; Stein, Rolf A 1988.


EXPLOITATION HISTORY: 2010 March: A 3 km long road »… is recently being constructed by the Shiv Khori Shrine Board, Ransoo duly headed by the District Development Commissioner, Udhampur as chairman and Sub Divisional Magistrate, Reasi as Member Secretary« ( 08/03/2010, accessed 2010.12.22). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 22/05/2016

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
34.5NEW CAVE, Katra