Sasseruwa Caves
A cave dwelling (note 1) with many caves (there are over a hundred of them) (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1983: 116) at Sasseruwa, Saessaeruwa, or Sesseruwa (note 2) represent troglodyte hermitage retreats but today only a few monks inhabit its caves (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1983: 116, 251-252) or modified natural rock shelters (and, perhaps, true caves). SITUATION (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1983: 116): Sasseruwa, nearly seven weary miles (11 km or so) as the crow flies west of the colossal statue at Aukana (N08°01': E080°31') is reached by fair-weather roads. LONEY PLANET (2003: 240) confirms that Sasseruva is the site of an ancient cave monastery in the jungle 11 km west of Aukana, and reached by a rough road. APPROACH 1: From –>Aukana via Kalawewa, Hammillewa, and Negampaha --in the 1980ies, this route had the better surface save for the last few kilometres. APPROACH 2: From Aukana via Galgamuwa, Ehetuwewa, and Kuda Katnoruwa. CULTURAL HISTORY - rock art: CEYLON TRAVELLER (1983: 116, 251): Many of the cavs, there are over 100 of them, have 'bow' inscriptions dating as far back as the second century before the birth of Christ. BERGER (1992/93: 335): Sesseruwa [sic!] … Felsentempel … eine aus dem Fels ausgesparte, 14 m lange ruhende Buddhastatue, um die man herumgehen kann. Die Falten des Gewands sind durch Hirschfellstreifen angedeutet. Schöne Fresken zieren die Höhlenwände. Weitere drei Buddha-Statuen mit verschiedenen Körperhaltungen füllen die Höhle aus.s, there are over 100 of them, have 'bow' inscriptions dating as far back as the second century before the birth of Christ. BERGER (1992/93: 335): Sesseruwa [sic!] … Felsentempel … eine aus dem Fels ausgesparte, 14 m lange ruhende Buddhastatue, um die man herumgehen kann. Die Falten des Gewands sind durch Hirschfellstreifen angedeutet. Schöne Fresken zieren die Höhlenwände. Weitere drei Buddha-Statuen mit verschiedenen Körperhaltungen füllen die Höhle aus.
Bibliography 06/01/2018- Berger, Karl-Wilhelm 1992/93; Ceylon Traveller 1974, 1983; Lonely Planet, Sri Lanka 2003; Parker, H 1909.
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
11.6 | AUKANA CAVES | ||
20.5 | NAGALA ROCK (Cave at) | ||
21.6 | Yapahuwa Fort Cave Temple | ||
21.6 | Culuttha, Peddawa (Cave of) | ||
28.8 | NA-MALUWA CAVE, Ritigala | ||
28.8 | NA-ULPOTA CAVE, Ritigala | ||
28.8 | ANIYAKANDA CAVE, Ritigala |